Hey, need some advice...


Mar 8, 2006
San Antonio, TX, USA
Okay, odd story.

Suppose for a second that you date this girl for four days and then it doesn't work out. You still hang around her, though, because she's bonkers enough to make sense of you and it's somewhat entertaining. She's always going off about her best friend from her sick, twisted small-town-of-origin in the middle of assfuckingnowhere, for reasons not clear to anyone in the picture, and somewhere slips in your introduction along the lines of "He's a genius, you have to let him rape you." Seems normal, right?

So one day you're hanging around her dorm at the start of the winter break, and you meet this best friend, who's cute as hell and actually interesting to have around. And her whale of a 'little sister', and some random scrawny assfuck with no sense of good taste at all. Now, this 'little sister', who could probably eat two of you, has few redeeming qualities. One is that you never feel that she has any redeeming qualities, which saves a TON of work in the future. Actually... scratch that, that's the only one. But, being somewhat of a poorly-shaven cow that somehow cursed us all by learning how to speak and has to justify her ego somehow, she decides that, since guys like large blorghphbs of fat on women's chests and she has BLORGHPHBS of fat with BLORGHPHBS of fat of their own on hers, she's hot shit and everyone wants to feel her up.

So now you have the thing that could beat Roseanne in several straight sumo bouts and you need her to shut the fuck up, right? Now, you're on fairly-well-monitored property, so you can't kill anyone very easily - and there are witnesses, complicating things further, so you must, in fact, rule murder out altogether. Despite being a small-town Baptist Hindenberg, comments about weight and religion have had no effect. The only remaining option... shock. Somehow she steers the conversation to her BLORGHPHBS once more and slips in the sentence "[Random scrawny assfuck] has been trying to grab at them all night," and somehow 'trying to grab at them' seems completely implausible. It's not like they're hiding or well-armoured. So you grab one to make a point. Of course, you have to wash your hand off for about an hour, but you've effectively shut her the fuck up, right? Mission accomplished, we're all safe now, right?


A month later you're dating the hot sister, and Shamu is not amused. But you can pretty much ignore her until a few months later, when she hijacks the girlfriend's computer and tries to insult you with the stunning combo of 'homosexual, suicidal idiot' for an hour. And then you find out you've been introduced to their whole family as the guy who felt her up. So you've just spent an hour making a joke of some twit who thinks she's not only God, but God's gift to God as well, but can't actually figure out how to have a stab at someone or understand half of what you just said, so she'll be a pain in the ass for a while to come, and if you meet more of the girlfriend's family there will be hell to pay.

What the fuck do you do?

What the fuck do you do? I'd drink a bottle of Jack...after you finish it he'll tell you what needs to be done.

Seriously though, the family will realize you're cool over time. Just set the tone in such a way that they make themselves look bad when they are trying to make you look bad. And listen to VADER.
You shouldn't have done it in the first place, lol.

Did you talk with the sister about the sister? What does she say?
Just avoid the family if you see that they won't understand or accept (?) your actions? Is that an option?
Or, maybe... just wait until most of the family is present and use that situation to clarify what you did and why, maybe they're cool and take it easy, though without knowing 'em I guess that's highly improbable :(
Lets say I'm really good friends with a pot dealer of whom is roommates with a crackhead. One day while waiting for my pot dealing compadre to return from a massive jewelery hiest in central manhatten as well as a few odds and ends (pick up groceries, pay the utilities bill, grab some NA-beer because I don't drink, etc) I'm approached by the crackhead roommate who is fervently convinced that the world is a much better place when thwacked out of your skull on rock cocaine and listening to FrankZappa and/or Kenny Rogers. Long story short... do I smoke the crack even though I know its made of pure nastiness and will regret it for the rest of my natural life or do I remove myself from the situation and go grab a nitratesicle to hold me over until the weed bandit returns for the evening?

The moral of the story is that sometimes you just gotta take the wiener's way out to avoid looking like a crackhead. Of course unless the chicks' parents are crackheads as well and then you might as well join a circus and sell your clothes for milk money.
since guys like large blorghphbs of fat on women's chests and she has BLORGHPHBS of fat with BLORGHPHBS of fat of their own on hers, she's hot shit and everyone wants to feel her up.

Are we talking deuce, deuce and a half here?

Obese or MORBID obesity?

Anyhow I get you, it blows my mind how a morbidly obese woman can for one second think the average normal weight dude could have even the slightest interest in fucking a bus. But then again... they are out there. :lol::Puke:
Why would she do that? Did you insult her to her face? Could she have heard about you insulting her behind her back? Could she be jealous of her sister?

So as long as your with the cool girl, you're always going to have to deal with the sister from time to time. You're screwed. Unless you make amends (if there's anything to amend). She's probably had to deal with people's negative comments her whole life leaving her with low self e-steem and is pissed about it.

Make amends.
Build her confidence.
Find her a boyfriend.
Play nice.

Sounds like a hell of a lot of work though so before you rid her of your life, take a big swig of alcohol and PUKE ON HER! :heh:
Most of our girlfriend's families hate us and we didn't even do anything to begin with. Plead ignorance, and if daddy confronts you apologize and offer to buy him a beer.