Hey Peter (lawl)

Oinkness said:
You guys may say my jokes are stupid, yet here you are spoofing my Pierre joke ALREADY. :) Go ahead and flame me, but I know everyone loves me. Your flames just make me feel even more loved, because those are the people who truly love me the most and take time out of their meaningless existence to acknowledge my awesomeness.

Mmmm, deludude to boot...

:Wreath: said:
you sir are very wrong :lol: jamming with other people is a great way to enhance your creativity and improvisation skills, that if you and your jam-mates have some skills for starters ;)

besides, we all know how important jazz influences are :lol:

no i'm not wrong jamming is gay. I prefer using 4 years of college level music theory/composition to write songs over sitting in a rehearsal room and farting around for 6 hours. Metal bands that "jam" fail..IE: Hatebreed, Korn, Black Label Society...etc.
Botfly said:
wtf, Peter is a terrible guitarist especially for someone who has played for over 15 years and can't really do bends or pinches very well.


I prefer peters soloing, Mikes are really awesome don't get me wrong and they clearly have more feeling in them more often than not.. but i dunno.. theres just something about all of Peter's solos that i really like.. they have a certain sound/feel to them that I like.
the_drip said:
no i'm not wrong jamming is gay. I prefer using 4 years of college level music theory/composition to write songs over sitting in a rehearsal room and farting around for 6 hours. Metal bands that "jam" fail..IE: Hatebreed, Korn, Black Label Society...etc.
And Opeth then obviously... either you're just stupid or... just stupid.
botfly: terrible guitarist? his bends perhaps are not done theoretically correctly with his usual one finger bends, but they sure as hell sound okay...and it´s not that he wouldnt be able within an hour to get used to a three or two finger bend that is not even a challenge, it is probably that it is the way he has practised and got used to it... his soloing is superb...and to be able to play all opeth songs is good enough of a guitarist. peter is a great and creative guitarist in my opinnion...technically one can always get better...everyone can within time become a fucking mastrubater like jeff loomis, but not everyone has the creativity to find the perfect melodies and rythms like mikael and peter... you are a terrible fan.
ufomagnet said:
And Opeth then obviously... either you're just stupid or... just stupid.

lol be quiet failure you have no idea wtf you're talking about. Opeth = Mike records ideas on a 4 track recorder then teaches the rest of the band their parts...no jamming involved.
the_drip said:
no i'm not wrong jamming is gay. I prefer using 4 years of college level music theory/composition to write songs over sitting in a rehearsal room and farting around for 6 hours. Metal bands that "jam" fail..IE: Hatebreed, Korn, Black Label Society...etc.

I didn't mean gay jams, I said tr00 jams :Smug: ever heard a jazz band jam?
is this the peter file?
the_drip said:
Metal bands that "jam" fail..IE: Hatebreed, Korn, Black Label Society...etc.

All those bands (with possibly the exception of Black Label Society) have sold far more albums than Opeth. Please define failure in this context.

Back on topic, I'd be all for hearing something Peter created all on his own. Who know's what it would sound like.
7th Spade said:
All those bands (with possibly the exception of Black Label Society) have sold far more albums than Opeth. Please define failure in this context.

if you're even hinting at the idea that success is obtained by selling lots of albums, plz die in a fire.
HaloPhenomenon said:
botfly: terrible guitarist? his bends perhaps are not done theoretically correctly with his usual one finger bends, but they sure as hell sound okay...and it´s not that he wouldnt be able within an hour to get used to a three or two finger bend that is not even a challenge, it is probably that it is the way he has practised and got used to it... his soloing is superb...and to be able to play all opeth songs is good enough of a guitarist. peter is a great and creative guitarist in my opinnion...technically one can always get better...everyone can within time become a fucking mastrubater like jeff loomis, but not everyone has the creativity to find the perfect melodies and rythms like mikael and peter... you are a terrible fan.

lol, I don't understand. You start off by basically saying you're unsure of what makes for good bends or pinches or bad bends or pinches. Jeff loomis >>>> Mikael & Peter btw.

lol, and then you finally say anyone who can't play good after 15 years is basically "screwed." So your accepting he's not a good guitar player, but he's a still a genius?

I don't understand.

Peter's not a good solist, it's all the same speed of random different notes, how amazing. It's doesn't have memorable parts or any soul, (pinches weak, bends are boring and not very good..)

Akerfeldt >>>> Lindgren

jeff loomis is fast, nothing else.

"lol, and then you finally say anyone who can't play good after 15 years is basically "screwed." So your accepting he's not a good guitar player, but he's a still a genius?"

when did i say that? i said that if you cannot find good melodies and rythms to a riff even after a year of playing, you will never find good melodies or rythms, therefore you´re screwed, not all are born with music in their veins...and therefore you cannot ever become a good guitarist in my opinnion. you can only techinally get better, but most good guitarist are not intrested in getting as fast as jeff loomis....because it´s pointless.
you maybe don´t find peters soloing good... but i think that he finds the perfect rythms and melodies on the right riffs.
Botfly said:
It's doesn't have memorable parts

lol, i was humming his solo from A Fair Judgement as I was reading this post and stumbled upon this line. personally i think peters soloing is more memorable than mikes, I'm not saying who is better than who, but I can easily remember alot of peter's solos just off my head without even remembering what track its from. whereas generally with mike's i have to think of the chord progression/riff at the time or sometimes the track its in before i can recall the solo.
the_drip said:
lol be quiet failure you have no idea wtf you're talking about. Opeth = Mike records ideas on a 4 track recorder then teaches the rest of the band their parts...no jamming involved.

And he has NO music theory education whatsoever. I didn't imply that Opeth is writing music by jamming, but your statement about using you eleet university skillz is just stupid since that doesn't mean shit really. You still suck, they don't.