hey so is evolution like abortion or what?

Great! If we decide against it later we can always eat the cheetos!

(make sure they're of the spicy hot variety so we can shit fireballs and make a contest out of it)
girl i'm sorta seeing said:
have i mentioned lately that youre crazy? cause you are! but thats ok, so am i!
me in response said:
i'll take that as a compliment, umm again i guess since yes, you said that the other night. :)

hey you want to move to Crazy Island with me? we could just snag some chunk of dirt in the middle of nowhere and call it an island, then develop two factions of bugs/animals/humans to fight against one another for supreme dominance of said island, all while betting on which half would win. oh and we'd get drunk every time a great battle ended. then if/when we got bored we'd just walk away, i mean it's not a real island anyhow.
what does this have to do with evolution? who cares.
why can't you people understand that running out of oil is a GOOD thing. this means no more fighting over a resource, the middle east will go bankrupt
yea sweet that will keep those towelheads in check right because poverty has never been a source of aggression right so you probably wouldnt have to worry about them ever again
"...and i like to go to see a really bad movie after its been in the theatre for 6 weeks... and sit next to the only guy there. when he says "whats wrong with you" i say, "shh... i cant hear keanu"
Erik said:
yea sweet that will keep those towelheads in check right because poverty has never been a source of aggression right so you probably wouldnt have to worry about them ever again

exactly, since the rich ones are so few over there. what are the poor ones gonna do, swim over here?

i'm right. understand and your life will be better
right after the population of north america suffers famine and stuff.

I will buy a farm ahead of time and defend it with landmines. it will rule so hard.
this whole life-without-oil thing is funny. it's gonna be like Y2K all over again. OMGZ no MOOR computadoras! whatever will we do???

*J chilling at his girlfriend's house laughing at all the dumbasses when the clock strikes 2000!*
J. said:
exactly, since the rich ones are so few over there. what are the poor ones gonna do, swim over here?
nah they'll just prolly going to burn israel to the fukkin ground (bless em)

then they'll make with the swimming you'll see

the us is treadin on some thin ice man
My thoughts on oil depletion: If we haven't completed the transition to alternative energy sources or the oil companies conspire to keep us dependent on oil until the last drop, we're fucked. Let's not forget that while the Middle East will lose its power to influence the world economy, they'll still have plenty of fanatics and weapons, and the loss of their wealth will only increase their hatred for the west.
My thoughts on all of this: I don't really give a shit and I can't wait for the human race to take everything for granted and to destroy itself. :)