High Quality Heir Apparent Video

ive gotta be the only one who doesnt care about the crowd. Its basically a given that there is going to be noise when theres more than one person watching a new opeth song ffs so why even moan about it.

like pt gigs are the worst. people actually confront each other because apparently it ruins the experience lmao wahh wahh wahh.
The drums don't do it for me. And the songwriting seems to have taken a turn for the simpler. I don't know, at first it sounded awesome, but in the evil kind of way. Usually their songs grow on me as time goes by, not the other way round... Meh, dunno. I should wait for the album.
I like it. Seems a fairly logical progression from Ghost Reveries, into a more twisted and dark sort of sound. I can't say those solos did anything for me, which is astounding as Mike usually blows my mind whenever he starts playing lead. Fredrik's thing was the typical kind of shit I'd expect from a former Arch Enemy member.

Gonna avoid listening to the song any more until the album comes out and can be enjoyed as a whole. I think once the studio version comes about, we'll hear all the layers and moods the band intended, so it should be quite a lot better than shitty cam rips on the melloboat.
I may have missed it or something, but I'm really surprised there is no talk about the Marshall's instead of Laney's. What's with that??? Bad move imo.
That's the first time I've heard this song, and I gotta say it's sounding seriously fucking good. Some very very nice bits indeed (the riffing section that begins 2.30 or so into it and the last couple of minutes for example)- just can't wait until the studio version!
This is killing me, i refuse to listen to a single note until the album comes out. Listening to Grand Conjuration spoiled the listening experience for me when I finally got Ghost Reveries. That said, i don't listen to GR anymore except Baying of the Hounds so the album itself didn't help.
I simply don't understand folks who don't like this song. No judgment, but I like it so much that I'm ASTOUNDED that everyone doesn't feel like I do! I have a permagrin. I'm actually sorry for people who aren't in love with this like I am. It feels good, you know?
I hope that's the only song Fred solos on...
His soloing talent is poor in comparison to Peter or Mike..
As for the song, I'm still not totally digging it. It has it's moments but as an entire piece I'm not really loving it.