history of the metal "growl"?


Jun 1, 2001
I'm pretty new to death metal, and I wonder where the death metal growling originated--- who "invented" the growl or was the first to use it?

Also, do any of you growl? I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't growl for shiat-- I mean everytime I try to imitate these guys I end up coughing after two sentences:cry:
I can growl pretty good and for a long time, both Death vox and Black vox, but i think it requires quite a lot of practice for most people, i guess i'm just talented :)

As for the origins of the growl, i heard that sometime while recording Bathory's PA blew up so they hooked up the mic to a guitar amp and that's the sound it made, and probably afterwards people tried to make that sound without using all kind of electronical tricks.
yeah, i totally agree with the possessed comment. possessed influenced early death a lot. listen to seven churches then listen to scream bloody gore. yeah.

you guys are leaving out all the thrash guys and stuff. it just didn't happen. it was a progression. lemmy had a lot to do with it. he influenced most of the thrash guys. what about sodom? venom, bathory, celtic frost were all very important, but you guys already got those.