Horrible Bands

while metal_wrath is a moron, hes still one of the most entertaining people on this forum, its like watching a retard trying to figure out how to use an oven, its a sick fascination.
affinityband said:
The new one actually made me laugh when i heard. Its an embarrasment. 'KVLT oF g0LIATH' LOLZ!1!?

My Darkthrone CD actually says "True Norwegian Black Metal" on the back. Why don't they try and make me like it by err, making it good?
Heckelgruber said:
My Darkthrone CD actually says "True Norwegian Black Metal" on the back. Why don't they try and make me like it by err, making it good?

So maybe that's a hinch that "True Norwegian Black Metal" = "bad music" ?
:Wreath: said:
So maybe that's a hinch that "True Norwegian Black Metal" = "bad music" ?

I've just scratched the surface of that genre so I wouldn't want to judge it from my position of great ignorance. I do have several issues with the stuff I've heard though (Burzum + Darkthrone). The tracks are very repetitive - I keep thinking that there has to be some kind of change coming but you get the same few chords for ages, with no refinement or apparent thought to laying out a song. The quality of the playing seems very poor compared almost any thrash/death/tech band. The production is crap - I understand that some feel this is a factor in tr00ness, but I feel insulted by paying for a recording that I could easily beat with my £300 all-in-one eight track mini-studio. The vocals piss me off too.

Can someone explain to me what is so good about this music? I am open-minded, but I'm struggling to see much in it.
Burzum and Darkthrone hardly qualify for being called 'the wrong BM bands' since they were pretty much essential to establishing the second wave black metal sound.

But if you really cannot stand the production on those albums (I do agree Darkthrone has taken it too far on occasion, their production actually got *worse* after their first two albums, which was surprising to me), you could try checking out some more well produced black metal bands like:

Nocte Obducta
later day Immortal (which is more blackened thrash)

And then work your way back. That's what I did (though I started with bands like Dimmu Borgir). I don't think there's anything wrong with starting with more accessible bands and then working your way back as you grow accustomed to their sound. Jumping right into Darkthrone didn't work for me either. I hated all that stuff a few years ago. But since then I've gradually learned to appreciate some of it (I still think a lot of 'true' black metal is pretty horrible though). I agree that overdoing the horrible production is a pretty annoying trait of black metal. And eventhough I now appreciate some of the bands that used to do that I still think the rationale behind it is pretty dumb. To me it seems that any kind of evilness or 'grimness' should come from the musical composition and not from the sound quality. By resorting to purposely making your album sound almost unlistenable you're basically admitting that you need some kind of gimmick to make your music more 'evil' and taking the easy way out by doing it that way because you lack the talent and creativity to do it the hard way.

Anyway, I recommend checking out some of those bands and see if you can atleast learn the appreciate the musical value of black metal. If you don't like any of those either then I guess black metal is not your thing. Repetitive, almost hypnotic tremelo picked guitar playing and screeching vocals are pretty much a trademark of black metal that you will find in most black metal bands. I can't explain why that is appealing. It just is (or can be, if you find good bands).
I always assumed he hanged himself after seeing people write Dream Theatre one too many times. (I still do it though, just to be sure)
EveOfDarkness said:
finally, someone else who likes those bands. its good, catchy stuff for what it is.

its more than just "catchy for what it is". dont be afraid to like a band that is genuinely good just because these sexually repressed cavemen here saw them on MTV. if its good, its good. period.
NineFeetUnderground said:
its more than just "catchy for what it is". dont be afraid to like a band that is genuinely good just because these sexually repressed cavemen here saw them on MTV. if its good, its good. period.

haha ok ill bite. im actually a huge Keane fan:goggly: . its catchiness and easiness on the ears is one of the things i like about their music but they just write really good songs. great vocals, steady drumming, and lots of piano and key textures. I've been listening to their new album a lot lately.
EveOfDarkness said:
haha ok ill bite. im actually a huge Keane fan:goggly: . its catchiness and easiness on the ears is one of the things i like about their music but they just write really good songs. great vocals, steady drumming, and lots of piano and key textures. I've been listening to their new album a lot lately.

How is the new one compared to Hopes & Fears?