
Till Fjalls

May 21, 2001
* Toronto *
Did you see the moview Strange Brew??? Or do people actually say "hoser"?? I saw the movie for the first time two nights ago and almost died laughing....And Immediately thought of your nuckname....
The word "Hoser" does, in fact, derive from SCTV's Bob & Doug McKenzie, Strange Brew being the movie based on those characters. People who were around in the early 80's when Bob and Doug were briefly quite popular (around the time the movie was made) recognize and understand the word "Hoser", but I wouldn't say they actually use it. It's tossed around as a semi-obscure pop culture reference from time to time.

My buddies and I would casually refer to each other as "Hoser" in high school... it became a fairly commonly recognized thing, around the school, anyways. And for me in particular, it stuck. I was also the first guy in town to have a "Canada Kicks Ass" t-shirt, before they became popular...

Actually (rambling badly now), I had a graphics class for which I had to make a "company logo" as an assignment for my "graphics company", so I drew up my Hoser Graphics (TM) logo. This was then extended and slapped on anything I did (my film projects were always by "Hoser Films", etc.) Anyways, one assignment was industrial design and a drew a car, which was made by the fictional company "Hoser Motors" (of course). I dubbed this car the "Hellspawn", because I liked the alliteration, and thought cars should have COOL names. (What the hell is "Camry"? "Corolla"? "Impreza"? What happened to the Mustangs and Vipers?) THEN, I made a video of myself getting into this fictional car (primitive special effects and compositing) and driving away in the Hoser Hellspawn. The video took months to make and was my major project for that class. When it came time to select online handles for things, "Hoser" (Canadian, humour) and "Hellspawn" (irreligious, evil/cool-sounding) had all the elements I figured I'd want to project.

And that's why the sky is blue, Jimmy.
Thanks! Just read your edit....interesting story behind your name dude! Would like to see that video man, don't suppose you'd have chance of encoding it to mpeg or something and uploading it for all those eho msy never have the fortune of seeing a hoser driving a hellspawn??? :p Seriously, it would be cool to see though.
"Take off to the great white north..
Take off, it's a beauty way to go.."

Rush did a theme song for them on the album they released. When I was a kid I used to call people "hosers"..


Take off, eh?
Let's turn this into the "origin of your name" if you have one thread. Here's my uninteresting, stupid origin:

I went through a lot of names for online handles, none of which I really liked. And once I started playing counter-strike a lot of people had these stupid, stupid, unoriginal names that they thought made them look good, such as "3l33t5n1p3r" or "$uper|)imp" etc. So I decided I wanted my name to be the opposite of the "badass, l33t" names, so I thought of the most bland, stupid, unintimidating name possible, that being, Oyo. Yes I know it's not nearly as interesting as Hoser's story :D
You're really good at beating to me to things I'm about to say, Duvall. Yeah, they got Geddy Lee to sing the "hit single part of their album" (quote from Geddy: "Ten bucks is ten bucks, right?"). I still have that CD. It's cool that you used to call people hosers, tho. One day I have to actually play Beerhunter...

As for the video, I have it as a 2 minute, 26 MB quicktime. I could always take it back into Premiere and probably export it out as an avi, if need be... I'd just need somewhere to upload it, really.
Well, my name isnt that much of a story to tell..

When i was a little kid, i enjoyed reading Mickey Mouse, and Mysteries of Mickey Mouse where he (it) acts like a Private-eye..

And there's this crook who calls himself "Spökplumpen" in swedish, he dresses himself in a black sheet only, and he gave me the chills.. :)

So at first my name was Spokplump, then it became sp00kplump when i was in the "haxxzor" stage.. Then i decided to shorten it to s-plump, but i thought that splump sounded kinda cool.. So there it was.. :)
i stole mine from a moonspell song (V.C. / Gloria Domini on the Sin/Pecado album)
just thought we all live in a vulture culture, and the phrase sounded quite nifty.