
Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This movie kicked ass! Maybe you guys have already talked about it, but I wanted to make a few points.

1) I love the tits in this movie.
2) I love the tits in this movie.
3) The acting, writing, etc. was actually pretty good for the type of movie this is.
4) What events were supposedly "true" in this movie?
5) Doesn't the main character remind you of JayKeeley? Not just because he's a darky either . . .
6) There's some damn fine tits in this movie.
... no JK ... you guys don't know but JK has a thick English accent ... the guy in HOSTEL was a Rican ...

tits were awesome ... the tall blonde ... my lord

the whole movie is based on urban legends ...

did you watch the extras on the dvd? ... some great making of stuff ...

also listen to the QT commentary ... supposed to be a riot (never got a chance to hear it)

will buy this flick
ijust liked the 180 it did half way through ... until then this flick was Eurotrip Part 2
Tits, tits, tits turns into a Cannibal Corpse video.

I just think that main character is one of those dudes that can always keep his head on straight. JayKeeley seems like that. Plus the main character is short. Is JK short?

I like the dark haired gal better than the blond.
saw is so overreated. They tried too hard to make an unpredictable ending on the second movie and it just made no sense. It was like : Oh! Unpredictable ending! sweet!
I may rent this just for the tits. Particularly hers...
Nate The Great said:
I just think that main character is one of those dudes that can always keep his head on straight. JayKeeley seems like that. Plus the main character is short. Is JK short?

I'm 5ft 10.5". :) Not tall, not short.

I haven't seen Hostel yet but I can't wait. That said, I still haven't seen Cabin Fever either. Maybe I'll do an Eli Roth double rental one weekend.
check out the extra on the hostel dvd ... Roth is a big Ali G fan ... he does the schtick a lot ... once with an unsuspecting Euro kid ... :lol:
the blonde wins .. you should see the perfect huge rack on her thin body ... maron ...
