Housing ideas for MDF 7

zabu of nΩd

Free Insultation
Feb 9, 2007
I know it's super early to be discussing this, but I want to make sure we get a few ideas out now so we hopefully make a more careful decision when the time comes around.

Personally I'd like to try to find an apartment to sublet from for the weekend/week of the show. It'll probably end up more cost-effective given the number of people who will be going this time, and the rules wouldn't be so tight. Of course, subletters aren't necessarily as reliable as hotels, and I'm not sure what measures we could take to fix that aside from just finding someone we can trust - but if it all works out (which it probably would), we'd have a solid connection in the area to hook us up in future years.

We can always go back to the Tremont Plaza if other ideas fall through, but I'm pretty sure we can do better than that.

Here's one idea I saw from a quick search of Craig's List. About 12 blocks from the venue, $150 or $175 a night, and "sleeps 3":

Not necessarily going to be available at the time of the show, but I'm just throwing ideas out here really. We might also think about getting something that's cheaper and farther away, where we could maybe catch a bus to the show (if buses there run as late as 1 a.m...).

Also, if ANYONE knows ANYBODY who lives in the Inner Harbor / Downtown area, or has lived there before, or has a friend of a friend of a friend, etc. who might be willing to let us crash, let us know!
The only reason I didn't go last year is because I could not find anyone to room with so I fully endorse this thread. Also, I have been told that hotels/motels closer to the airport are cheaper and usually aren't so strict with their occupancy rules and whatnot.
That's rather shitty.

We should probably get all payments taken care of before the show this time.
I think if we make it clear up front that you can't stay at the room without paying first, we'd do better on collecting.
Yeah I do owe you. :( I owe a lot of people a lot of shit :lol: I say we just get two rooms and pay for the room we stay in, individually (pooled of course).
You mean you can get your own room - individually. :)

We did get two rooms last time, and we could have held a few more people than we did. We can probably have 5-6 people to a room, so we'll just order based on how many people show interest in a few months.
We need to start getting an idea pretty soon, so we know how much money it's actually going to be, so some of us destitute college can start saving.
It would be nice if we could get a rough count of who's all interested now.
So far I count 5 guaranteed attendees...
and I think Zeph said he's going.
whiskey funeral seems to be pretty set on it, and Ozzman will probably go if he's not busy or anything.

Also, I think it's safe to say that anyone who hasn't yet paid gR for last time will have to get that taken care of before even being considered for a shared room next year.
Whiskey (hope you're ok with staying with a bunch of sex-starved internet misanthropes)
that makes 7.
I know it seems a little early, but I really like money, as I'm sure you all do. It would be a lot easier to start an MDF savings account over the next few weeks, and I'd like to have an estimated amount on the weekly deposits. I'm sure a rough guess on cost would help some of you others too.
I know it seems a little early, but I really like money, as I'm sure you all do. It would be a lot easier to start an MDF savings account over the next few weeks, and I'd like to have an estimated amount on the weekly deposits. I'm sure a rough guess on cost would help some of you others too.

I don't think we're really going to know until we get close to the date and people start actually looking at what their schedules might be. If you assume we get the same deal as last time, with $100 per room per night for 3 nights, and 3 people per room, that's $100 per person for housing alone. It could forseeably be close to twice that if we order an extra unit thinking more people will show up, and then they don't. But if we're thorough in getting people to commit their money up front if they agree to go, that shouldn't be a problem.
Keep him busy with shiny objects and you won't have to worry about him.
Also, in real life he won't have to post his facial expression, so we don't have to look at it if we don't want to.

It is a good thing JFaD is all the way in England, though... I'm pretty sure we'd have the first UM influenced rape on our hands.