How big is your...

I dunno...something between 200 and 300 originals, I guess. As for vinyl, there are like 30 records floating around here.
I have a portable CD case that can hold 200 CDs. It is more than halfway full, but not completely full. So: somewhere between 100 and 200. Adding the burnt CDs, (copies, compilations, etc.), I'd say it's somewhere around 250.

I can't imagine how Belial and Misanthrope get along with any less than 100 CDs...If I only had 18 CDs, and no way to get anymore, I'd start stealing. :heh:
I dunno.... 300 - 400 maybe?
I haven't counted my cd's in a really long time!!
When I buy some new CD shelves I'll count my
beloved cd's! >:eek:) My collection has grown out
of the old shelves. I can't wait to put them in a
certain order etc :eek:)

Not a lot of my cd's are metal though...
Maybe half of them... But I'm still collecting :eek:)
hmmmm i haven't counted for ages,haven't updated my list for ages,shame on me!
I'll update my list during the holidays......

TheMindzI@ when i'll count them,i'll give you the exact number and then YOU'll get jealous and I'll LOVE it :devil:

Mine is a bit less than 200 (about two dozen of 'em are not original), but before this year ends, I may reach the two-hundred-mark. :cool:

8 i mean about 80 cd's ;) i've only really started buying cd's regulary recently, never had the money before...