How cool

Kenneth R. said:
thank god. it's an abomination and along with the perversion of English (such as "u r" etc) one of the worst linguistic inventions ever.

I've always found it very very interesting. Much like Polari it's a niche langauge which more people don't understand than do.
blimey said:
It's funny you should say such a stupid dumbass thing, because you're a dumbass.
Hhy do people take everything so seriously?
Look I am a TOOL fan, probably my second favorite band, but I hate TOOL´s analysis. Lot people think that they know what EXACTLY is TOOL about and actually they know a shit and try to act like they are MJK himself.
That´s why I responsed that way.
Fredy_Brown said:
Hhy do people take everything so seriously?
Look I am a TOOL fan, probably my second favorite band, but I hate TOOL´s analysis. Lot people think that they know what EXACTLY is TOOL about and actually they know a shit and try to act like they are MJK himself.
That´s why I responsed that way.

Okay, thats still a dumbass comment though. Who acts like MJK... honestly... who acts like him? Who wears a wig and grows wine in their own vineyard?
blimey said:
It's funny you should say such a stupid dumbass thing, because you're a dumbass.

It's obvious that your lack of intelligence forces you to say such things. But I suppose, simple mind simple pleasure. I could just as easily ragged on you because your'e a canuck. You shouldn't abuse the use of this forum just to degrade someone, over the internet no less. Now THAT is a dumbass thing to do.

P.S. If you are bragging about how many posts you have... I shouldn't have to say a thing.
blimey said:
Okay, thats still a dumbass comment though. Who acts like MJK... honestly... who acts like him? Who wears a wig and grows wine in their own vineyard?
Lot of people act like him...would-be mentally. And you should separate on-stage MJK and off-stage MJK, mind is the same but visage is different.
thEDrizzle said:
It's obvious that your lack of intelligence forces you to say such things. But I suppose, simple mind simple pleasure. I could just as easily ragged on you because your'e a canuck. You shouldn't abuse the use of this forum just to degrade someone, over the internet no less. Now THAT is a dumbass thing to do.

P.S. If you are bragging about how many posts you have... I shouldn't have to say a thing.

You fucking moron. I can't beleive you exist. I have more respect on this forum than you will ever have so shut the hell up. How can you determine someones intelligence based on their posts in an Opeth forum?

Let me just show you how much of a fucktard you are:

"simple mind, simple pleasure"
WTF is that? That's not even an expression, neither does it make ANY sense.

"bragging about how many posts you have"
I was just noting that I had 888 posts, I wasn't bragging at all. Re-read my post to get its meaning, dumbshit.

"I could just as easily ragged on you because your'e a canuck"
Hey buddy. This is a worldwide forum. I'm not being racist, so why the hell are you? We have people from Turkey, Canada, America, Sweden, Switzerland, Mexico... we have people from all over the place, and you must be one of the only people to bring up a racism.

"It's obvious that your lack of intelligence forces you to say such things."
How the fuck can intelligence FORCE me to say things? Speaking of intelligence... holy shit...

Look, I understand that you wanted to bring someone down because it makes you feel superior, but you just failed. Leave.
blimey said:
7001 |)\/\/|\|5 y0|_| |-|4R|)(0R3

My post count owns.
I have been a member for 16 months. My post count is 405. 405 / 16 = 23.3125
Anybody with a higher average post count is a forum nerd. Anybody with a lower average post count doesn't like Opeth enough.
BRI said:
I have been a member for 16 months. My post count is 405. 405 / 16 = 23.3125
Anybody with a higher average post count is a forum nerd. Anybody with a lower average post count doesn't like Opeth enough.
Umm, I know I'm a forum nerd. Is that like... an insult or something?
Peter is picking his nose, why have I only just noticed this?