How did you get into In Flames?


i'm hungry.
Sep 27, 2003
I saw their music video on tv a year or two back..and I started downloading some songs by them, and eventually went out to buy their albums. I was hooked.

It was a good day.
I was a big fan of Dark Tranquillity and people (who were also fans of DT) talked about In Flames a lot. So I checked them out.
I saw a quick glimpse of a ton of hair and white suits (had no idea who they were) on a music video on mtv2. Turns out it was Cloud Connected by In Flames, I found out like 2 days later when my friend Garrett played that song on his system when I was over there. Since then, I was addicted. Within a year, I got all of the 10 albums they put out including Trigger EP.
a friend of mine sent me the songs JOTUN then CLAYMAN

i loved JOTUN and it took me a while to get into CLAYMAN... but that was the spark of my entire death metal career
My brother was downloading some of their stuff on Napster, so that's when I first heard them.
I became a Gardenian fan... So i was reading gardenian's bio, and i read something about Niklas Engeling being in a band called In Flames, i looked for some In Flames information and i found that they were some kind of "Melodic death metal" fathers. I bought Colony and i got in loved.
SpiritCrusherX said:
A friend of mine heard of them and played the song "Resin" for me. I thought it was pretty cool but I wasn't hooked immediately. It took me awhile to really get into them. But I now realize that they're amazing!

haha, resin was the first in flames song i ever heard too. pretty much the same sort of thing. such amazing melody...i was hooked.
I was on Amazon a year and a half ago on a death metal bashing spree, and was about to lay it on IF, but then decided to listen to some first.

I heard the "The Hive."

The rest is history.
because i'm always searching for new bands and i found them in 2001. the live album was the first one i owned, but i have them all now and have seen them live twice despite living in canada!
Smallz said:
haha, resin was the first in flames song i ever heard too. pretty much the same sort of thing. such amazing melody...i was hooked.

Heh, yeah, at the time I was only really into Metallica and Slayer, and I didn't even know Euro metal existed. The first euro metal band I ever listened to was Nightwish (still do) but I had not heard anything quite like In Flames at the time I heard Resin. I then discovered the whole melodic metal movement over there, and I eventually discovered Children Of Bodom too. I've chalked up quite a few euro bands since then, but I also find some American metal bands every now and then that I like, and two of my current favorites are from the states (The Black Dahlia Murder and Misery Index, both of whom put out amazing albums in 2003). Yeah but In Flames are pretty high on my list too. I've seen em twice and they're one of the best live bands ever.