How did you get into music?

I started listening to the radio, got hooked on Linkin Park, Disturbed, Korn, and Godsmack. Was introduced to Metallica and Iced Earth, and i also started listening to some old skool metal, like Judas Priest. Bought metal for the masses, found DT on there and got into european metal. Favorite bands right now are Opeth, Dark Tranquillity, Necrophagist, and Blind Guardian. I also got into some classic rock after listening to metal for a while.
I started out with vinyl singles. Only had two or three in the beginning, which I played on constant rotation. Then came the age of cassettes, and my dad brought me one of the first walkmen from a trip to London. A huge red brick it was. I got some more stuff to load it with...children's songs, audiobooks and the like. Oh yeah, then I should mention my Michael Jackson cassette collection. And the Phantom of the Opera! I listened to the radio on Saturdays to hear the charts. This is how I discovered more and more bands. I used to think that Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was the heaviest noise I'd ever heard. Wow, how perspectives can change. Come the CD age, and I progressed to some classic rock like Queen, Genesis, R.E.M. Throw in some Erasure, too. I also had lots of film soundtracks. And how did I get into the heavy department? It was Metallica. What else. *sigh* Got all the albums etc. etc. Listened them to death, and then I found some "new", even more "extreme" music with strangely distorted vocals (a.k.a. growls). At first I was scared of that *lol*, but there was a strange fascination, too. So, to reveal the band which got me into death vocals: Crematory! Ha! I think that time was a most adventurous one music-wise. All of a sudden, a huge field opens up in front of you, and everywhere you look you find something new and exciting. You soak up everything. Quickly, I filled my CD shelf with more and more acquisitions. I came to Dark Tranquillity in 1999 through "FreeCard", which was available as download from their (very) old homepage. The rest is history. I had found my all-time favourite band. But, needless to say, I found many other great bands, too. Still, sometimes I wish I could discover these bands all over again.

"non voglio mica la luna...", a song by Fiordaliso, italian sanremo music. Awful. Ashamed. Alright, then i heard Europe's single "The Final Countdown", enjoyed hard rock and power metal (a lot of wasted time, only Kamelot Angra and BG are worth it) before knowing Children of Bodom, Tristania, Wintersun, Dark Tranquillity & Shade Empire in this order.
Then came the age of cassettes, and my dad brought me one of the first walkmen from a trip to London.
Oh gosh, what did you remind me now. A semi-relative who lived in the US brought me and my brother two black walkmans when they first came out there. Awesome times.
Oh gosh, what did you remind me now. A semi-relative who lived in the US brought me and my brother two black walkmans when they first came out there. Awesome times.

This, along with my sudden 1995 Clawfinger mania mentioned on the NP thread, reminds me that we really need new blood. This forum is slowly (as it should, heh) turning into a nursing home. :lol:
Well, my first portable device was a CD player. That makes me about half a generation younger.

Cassettes are so out.
Well, my first portable device was a CD player. That makes me about half a generation younger.

Cassettes are so out.

Oh wait. They'll come back with a vengeance. In 10 years, they will have the same revival as vinyls these days. If you're an audiophile, you just have to have a tube-driven amp hooked up to a vinyl player. This makes you distinct! And in 10 years, when cassettes will be exclusive items, I will present my overwhelming collection (mostly self-recorded tapes). Ha!

(Don't miss the irony.)


@ Siren: Yeah, say what you will, but my first portable music device was pure magic. I remember sitting in the back of the car, as my parents were driving to some holiday location (Italy or someplace in Austria), listening to tape after tape with my old-school 80s headphones!

@ Hyena: The question is: Do we really get better with time (as whiskey does)? *wipes away senility drool from keyboard*
@Somber Soul: In 10 years from now i'll be selling the Black Sabbath and Motorhead cassettes i stole from my uncle for pure gold. HAH! :heh:
@Somber Soul: In 10 years from now i'll be selling the Black Sabbath and Motorhead cassettes i stole from my uncle for pure gold. HAH! :heh:

This is nothing compared to the amount of money I'll rake in when I sell my Dr. Alban tape! :p
care to explain to the youngin's who Dr.Alban is? :p

I'm too ashamed. :erk:
Dr. Alban, who I believe is indeed a doctor (dentist) in Sweden, was more or less a one-hit wonder back in the early 90s. I remember songs like "No Coke" and "Hello Africa". That's the album I got. He had another quite successful album but after that he "retired" to the life of a producer.

@ Siren: Not to forget my supervaluable tape with all the intro music of the 80s TV series. Knight Rider, Airwolf, Department S, Shogun, 6 Million Dollar Man, Hulk...and many more. How did I do it? Recorded directly from the TV to cassette by holding up a cassetter recorder to the speaker.
Even I know Dr. Alban and I am 18 years old. I still remember his awesome songs like "It's my life" and "Sing Hallelujah". Who needs Dark Tranquillity if there are artists like Dr. Alban.

My first portable music listening device was a cd-player. I feel sooo young.
*walks off, gets drunk, laid, smokes marihuana, grabs his skateboard and listens to Nirvana*
Even I know Dr. Alban and I am 18 years old. I still remember his awesome songs like "It's my life" and "Sing Hallelujah". Who needs Dark Tranquillity if there are artists like Dr. Alban.

My first portable music listening device was a cd-player. I feel sooo young.
*walks off, gets drunk, laid, smokes marihuana, grabs his skateboard and listens to Nirvana*

Haha, yeah, those were his later hits. And Dr. Alban had a message, too. I mean "No Coke" says it all! Let's see, what were those lyrics?

We no want no coke, no heroin
No hasch-hasch, no amfetamin

Cocain will blow your brain
And ecstasy
Will mash your life!
Cocain will blow your brain
And ecstasy
Will mash your life!

Good man! ;)
@somber soul: it sounds like a demented version of rammstein. and i am sure our moderator, a falco fanboy, has something to add to this discussion. :lol: