How do you find out...

I'll jam with whoever in NorCal soon enough hopefully. :loco:

Also speaking of my ridiculous amount of musical purchases, look what just showed up at my door:


It's a wedding gift for my bro but I'm still gonna play it right now. :kickass:
NADatar said:
Dammit, I could've used that amp a month ago. Oh well, Yorkville > Fender anyhow. :loco:

Are you quitting playing or just getting something else?
NAD I have a Yorkville Bloc80 or some shit bass amp lolz 700 dolluh nOW;
The woman's sister lives in Davis, if things work out (quite likely), we'll be up somewhere around there within a year. *crosses fingers*
Nah, just somewhere in the general vicinity and shit. Her sister lives with her husband, my bro's brother (how we met and poop). Hopefully toward SF or Sacto, not sure yet. My company has an office in Sacramento so I might just transfer like that, or find some other new bullshit. Not sure yet. We've discussed The Move a few times but since we've only been dating a few months we're trying to be realistic about things, give it like a year before we make a major decision together. Either way this chick rules an unbelievable amount, I seriously never thought I'd ever meet a female type quite like her. [/gay]

PS: I'm drunk.
Are you kidding? RC is my place to talk about anyone and everyone in my personal life without them knowing about it, I don't want her around here. :goggly:
oh man, the joys of keeping secrets :loco:

i'd be kinda freaked out of my woman ever decided to post here
she said she wanted to read it someday, but i dont' think she ever has