how do you guys survive this summer?

kerrys wear boots said:
yeah. but massive amounts of sea algae isnt exactly the best thing for the planet either. if theres an overabundance, light cant reach plants that live under the surface, and that just totally throws off the food chain.

3 acres isnt much by itself, but in the united states alone, estimates say as many as 35 million beef cattle are slaughtered. thats a shit load of land.

I think you misunderstand slightly - massive amounts of sea algae are great, currently existing, and have existed for the past several hundred million years. 2/3rds of the earths surface is water - and all of that is inhabited by photosynthetic algae and other marine plants. The algae does not block the sunlight because different pigmentations absorb different light wavelengths. Surface algae will absorb a specific spectrum, whereas deep-water flora will absorb the wavelengths that are able to penetrate that far below the ocean's surface. The food chain of the ocean is pretty stable, there's not a whole lot of habitat destruction or other things like what occurs on land except in specific instances.

It's just something a lot of people don't think about. For one, photosynthesis on land isn't horribly threatened to the point of extreme concern. Sure we cut down trees and destroy plants, but there are tons of them. Also, if plant life were evenly distributed (which it's not) then think of it this way. 66% of the world's photosynthesizing plant life is not being touched. Bring into account that algae can grow through ocean space (upwards, from surface to floor) and you get a lot more surface area in the ocean than the land.

Bottom line is photosynthesis/oxygen isn't a problem.
FretsAflame said:
The food chain of the ocean is pretty stable, there's not a whole lot of habitat destruction or other things like what occurs on land except in specific instances.

I am assuming you mean in terms of flora habitat, not fauna, right? Habitat destruction for oceanic fauna, on the other hand, is a problem. Despite the vast expanse of ocean, most ocean animals are tied to certain types of ecosystems. Those ecosystems also have ties to human activity. Estuaries and coral reefs contain the highest amount of species diversity by far, and both estuarine habitat and coral reef habitat are under pressure from human activity.
GISJeremy said:
I am assuming you mean in terms of flora habitat, not fauna, right? Habitat destruction for oceanic fauna, on the other hand, is a problem. Despite the vast expanse of ocean, most ocean animals are tied to certain types of ecosystems. Those ecosystems also have ties to human activity. Estuaries and coral reefs contain the highest amount of species diversity by far, and both estuarine habitat and coral reef habitat are under pressure from human activity.

You would be correct in assuming that, yes.

I think I have enough on my plate though without talking about species reduction hahahaha. The tragedy of the commons - specie extinction is largely beaureaucratic arrogance and redundancy, as well as a complete misattribution of cause and effect.
it was 34C in the factory I work in yesterday. Thats at 5:00pm. Up here in Chilliwack, BC. On the weekend it hit a blistering 36C.

EDIT: Wow, I just saw my own numbers there as breast sizes.
FretsAflame said:
You would be correct in assuming that, yes.

I think I have enough on my plate though without talking about species reduction hahahaha. The tragedy of the commons - specie extinction is largely beaureaucratic arrogance and redundancy, as well as a complete misattribution of cause and effect.

Cheers! :kickass:
oh, now I just checked the thread from the beginning. interesting...

the weather? some 33 °C... I hide in the dark of my home (apartment is positioned south-west :err: ) when possible (A/C on) and the rest of the time I'll be dying, at work, where we have a miserable A/C.
to add more to the heat lunacy the organism is going through, I'll meet with a friend and go have some beers. sweat child o' mine.
kerrys wear boots said:
im not fucking bitching about it, i was pointing out how the industry contributes so much to global warming and that if people care enough to do something, they should cut back on their meat intake.

hey hey now, I’m too lazy to read the whole thread, i just saw bits and pieces of what looked like a "don’t eat meat" conversation. I honestly don’t think we should cut down on the meat consumption, and i also don’t thing that we should switch to those organic "free range" animals for our meat either because I think its important for our health to keep slaughtering animals that were raised in a controlled environment that way they are less susceptible to diseases that the animals could acquire on their own from malnutrition or some sort of foreign agents.

As far as the meat industry making heavy contributions to global warming and other environment issues, I think it’s a weak argument because there is just so much more going on out there that contributes much more to the problem. I’d think that the oil industry hurts this place much more than the meat industry, so what are we going to do about it? Tell people not to drive? Switch to electric heat (then the electric companies that still use coal or nuclear power are contributing to the problem) we depend on oil just like we depend on meat, they both “harm the planet” but without them we’d be back to the Stone Age. Think of it like this. We pollute the planet, we created “global warming” and the problems with the ozone, and the filthy waters and dirty soil and were going to continue to do this until the end of time. There’s nothing to be done about it either. We create waste to survive.
AnvilSnake said:
it was 34C in the factory I work in yesterday. Thats at 5:00pm. Up here in Chilliwack, BC. On the weekend it hit a blistering 36C.

EDIT: Wow, I just saw my own numbers there as breast sizes.

hahahaha ditto here lol :lol:
So you guys do know that the human form actually isnt designed to consume meat right? Im not a vegetarian but I thought it shouldnt be noted that human consumption of meat is not nessecarily a "natural" thing.
Mike said:
and i also don’t thing that we should switch to those organic "free range" animals for our meat either because I think its important for our health to keep slaughtering animals that were raised in a controlled environment that way they are less susceptible to diseases that the animals could acquire on their own from malnutrition or some sort of foreign agents.

The problem with this is the growth hormones and chemicals which are added to these farm ranged animals are hazardous to our health.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
So you guys do know that the human form actually isnt designed to consume meat right? Im not a vegetarian but I thought it shouldnt be noted that human consumption of meat is not nessecarily a "natural" thing.
than why do i have these canine teeth? for ripping and tearing carrots? no, for FLESH.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
So you guys do know that the human form actually isnt designed to consume meat right? Im not a vegetarian but I thought it shouldnt be noted that human consumption of meat is not nessecarily a "natural" thing.

That is completely false. Actually, we are designed more to consume meat than plants. We can not digest cellulose.
Just some minor talking points for you guys to consider.

Higher density of animals that are raised for agriculture has just as high of a risk of disease as wild ones, and in some cases such as farmed salmon, it is higher. Density is usually a good catalyst for disease.

Look at our morphology, we, as most land predators, have eyes in the front of our heads, which helps in tracking/chasing prey and prevents distraction. It helps keep our vision more focused. In prey animals, the eyes are on the side of the head as they need better peripheral to identify predators and less focus of what is straight ahead of them (why they put blinders on horses). Plus there exists a lot of other evidence (more morphology, digestive patterns, etc) as to why we were designed as meateaters. But I do love my veggies!

Global warming/man's impact on the environment: there are plenty of ways for us to minimize our environmental impact. Waste, climate change, etc all have possible solutions (though need to be tested). The problem is with economics, politics, anti-environmental views, etc. that getting through red tape is rather difficult.

That being said, I am going to go eat my steak sandwich from a farmed cow now!
En Vind Av Sorg said:
So you guys do know that the human form actually isnt designed to consume meat right? Im not a vegetarian but I thought it shouldnt be noted that human consumption of meat is not nessecarily a "natural" thing.
Depends how you define "natural." Even chimpanzees eat meat, specifically monkey meat, they also have an absolute aversion to incest and cannibalism.

What is unnatural is the proportions of the average Western diet, which is very meat-heavy and veggie-light... but meat is natural human-food.