How do you listen to music? At home and on the go

So what are all of you digital guys doing for backup purposes when your hard drives crash? Or, are you saving all your digital files online somewhere?

I have the CD originals for most of my stuff, but I also have a local backup and offsite with I'd be pissed if I lost my music.
At home or in my car I listen exclusively to CDs.
While jogging or at airports I listen to music at my 4GB Samsung mp3 player.

Yeah, I am old school =P

Dude, you had that thing when you came to visit me in 2003 and we went to watch the Opeth/Porcupine Tree NYC show. Jesus Christ, upgrade time? :lol:
At home, I listen to CDs or the Power Metal channel on AOL Radio.
When I am driving, I listen to CDs
At work or on the train, I listen to the tunes on m BlackBerry. AT work they usually have a plug-in to have your BlackBerry play over the radio speakers
I prefer flash drives where possible. I put a head unit with a USB port in my work van. I have a DVD player on my home theater that accepts a flash drive, so I use it there as well. Unfortunately, my car doesn't have a USB port, yet. I either play CDs or hook up my Ipod in it, but I am moving away from the Ipod and plan on getting another head unit with USB. I usually put about 15 CDs on the flash. It certainly will hold much more, but that is where I like it as far as being able to scroll through it fast enough and they are cheap enough to keep a bunch of them.

Car! I have a 6 CD changer so I put in all my favorite CDs (at the moment) and rotate. I'm "old fashioned" like that. ;) I think right now I've got the 2 latest Accept albums, and the rest is Judas Priest.

I love everything about this post...
Even though I collect CDs, 97% of the time I listen to music on my iTouch (usually at work or in the car). If I really want to sit down and listen to a certain album or a few songs then i'll use my CD stereo at home.
Mainly spotify and iPod. The rare CD in the car if I still don't have it in digital format...

In the basement, boxed... about 2,500 cds.