How England will win the World Cup this year...

let's just exit gracefully USA ... even if we make it out of the first round, we ain't going further.
jeez what a terrible first half for a last great 45..but that referee is ridiculous, starts giving cards our way then taakes that goal back? And Findley..don't think he deserves to start, looks nervous out there, Altidore is a good little striker though
Try ESPN3, I don't know if that works outside the US though.

EDIT: if you want an illegal route use
Why the fuck are both Group C games going on at the same time today? Now I'm gonna have to boot up both TV's and position myself in the hallway between (possibly with a mirror) to watch England (hopefully) fail again and the USA most likely (but hopefully not) choke.

Edit: Or I could use my laptop and ESPN 360 and the TV...

Edit 2: And what sucks about football actually played with feet is that, unlike handegg strangely called football, flipping between games is a pain in the ass since the game never stops moving and half time is going to be at the same exact time.

Edit 3: Also :lol: @ France.
@Eric: there are alot of dumb things about the WC, not least of which is airing games at the exact same time. How about the criteria for advancing out of the first round? Goal differential? How silly is that? "Hey guys, lets keep the offense to a *minimum* so as to not risk getting scored upon and losing that valuable one point!"
And the players? Oh man...what a bunch of PUSSIES. I think I said this same thing during the last WC - there is nothing happening on that field that should actually make a grown man fall down and writhe in pain for several minutes. It's embarrasing.
@Eric: there are alot of dumb things about the WC, not least of which is airing games at the exact same time. How about the criteria for advancing out of the first round? Goal differential? How silly is that? "Hey guys, lets keep the offense to a *minimum* so as to not risk getting scored upon and losing that valuable one point!"
And the players? Oh man...what a bunch of PUSSIES. I think I said this same thing during the last WC - there is nothing happening on that field that should actually make a grown man fall down and writhe in pain for several minutes. It's embarrasing.

Yeah, the flopping crying bullshit is ridiculous. Fucking South America is especially guilty of it.

As for Goal differential, that only goes out in terms of a tie... Of course, the advancement criteria for today's games is so incredibly straight forward and not convoluted at all...


See? Super straight forward. :lol:

Granted, in terms of WC BS, nothing compares with the Vuvuzela, however... my EQ is setup to drown out the vuvuzela. So I can watch with sound again.
GD is only used in a points tie, how else would you settle it?

Water balloon fight

My point was that GD prompts teams to just play defense the entire first round...and hope for a goal off a set-piece. If the tie-break was based on TOTAL GOALS scored as opposed to the diff, then there would be more offense.

lol @ Eric