How important are vocals to you?

I find vocals equal to any other instrument that a band uses. If one part of the music sucks, then generaly it's somewhat difficult to "get past" it. This explains why I cannot stand brutal death metal, metalcore, etc.
Power Metal = Important
Symphonic Metal = Important
Black Metal = Not important
Death Metal = Not very important
Thrash Metal = Not important at all
Viking Metal = Very important
Folk Metal = Somewhat Important
Vocals are completely unable to ruin a metal band for me - but other genres that are more vocal dependent like pop and rap I have to like the vocals.
Vocals are probably the hardest part to get right. They're only as much part of the music as everything else, but they're one of the first thing I'll notice if they're done wrong.
Vocals are probably the hardest part to get right. They're only as much part of the music as everything else, but they're one of the first thing I'll notice if they're done wrong.


For the most part, I don't care too much, but bad vocals have the potential to ruin an otherwise good album.

The screamed vocals on Ephel Duath's Painter's Palette comes to mind.
It definitely depends on genre, as far as harsh VS. clean goes (though I'm usually a fan of cleaner vocals).

However, if I don't like a singers voice (quality or they are just plain bad/flat) I cannot listen to a band. I can't get past the singer just because the music is cool.
Vocals can enhance the music (so they're important in that regard) but bad vocals rarely ruin the music for me.
vocals are a big deal but what really matters in metal is BASS.

No bass = no heaviness = yawn
Depends on the band... it's not very important for a black metal band, for example, if they had a bad vocalist, there's a lot more emphasis on the music.

But for some, it's really important. Like a lot of power metal band's, as well as Black Sabbath.
Tony Martin = :erk:
Usually they aren't too significant in one way or another for me, but really bad vocals can completely ruin a band for me.
Although good vocals can only enhance the experience, they are normally the last thing I notice when I listen to an album. Drums, bass, and guitar are far more important in making a "good" album.