How Long Do You Think Opeth Will Be?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
How long do you think Opeth will be around for?

Just a couple more albums?
Half a dozen?

They certainly seem more motivated by the music than many other bands today are. This could be a blessing or a curse. Having a strong love for the music will keep them interested longer than some huge commercial band. On the flip side once the guys do lose interest they don't have that commercial drive to keep making music.

Then we have to factor in things like their having kids, etc.

What do you think?
All west germans suck ass.

Regarding your question:

I think we can expect at least 10 more albums. They are all huge music lovers. Huge enough to always find a way to make a record.
They've gotta run out of ideas after a while. I mean, they've already released as many albums as Morbid Angel...

I'd say... 2-3 more albums... but even if/when Opeth go their seperate ways, we can expect heavy involvement of the members in other projects.
First post.

They've gotta run out of ideas after a while. I mean, they've already released as many albums as Morbid Angel...

I'd say... 2-3 more albums... but even if/when Opeth go their seperate ways, we can expect heavy involvement of the members in other projects.

Two or three sounds logical. It seems to me that since Deliverance, Opeth has gone downhill a tad with their music... Though with their influences I think they could do fine in other bands.
3 more albums? You guys are amazingly braindead.

I can see how making guesses based on nothing makes us braindead! There's no possible way to be stupid or smart in this topic, as it's all speculation. This is the second topic in which you've tried to make yourself look better than everyone without giving a reason or arguing.

How much longer do YOU think they'll be around, Longinus? Wow, what a stupid answer!
Because 3 albums is highly unlikely. And it reads like it's some sort of wish of those users that Opeth only put out that specific amount of albums in the future.