how many albums do you have in your music collection?

Heckelgruber said:
ROFL at CDs not being "digital" ftlog. CDs are just an uncompressed format at a certain sampling rate. Distributing music as MP3s would be unsatisfactory to many too, since an "audiophile" MP3 is a bit of a contradiction.

I agree with DietCoke, I downlaod quite a lot of music but always buy as much as I can afford of the best stuff I've listened to. If everyone did this I think it would have the effect of weeding most of the CDs where the radio single is the only good song out of the market, which would arguably be a good thing.

But Illidurit's right about the point of the thread: How many albums you "have" from the point of view evaluating the music at your disposal should have nothing to do with how many you downloaded.

Sadguru said:
As far as I'm concerned, I do think downloading should be illegalized. Being socially accepted as it is today truly reflects the [lack of] respect people give to art. An hungry man should feel ashamed for stealing an apple but downloading music illegaly is nothing to worry about, hey everyone's doing it right? That's generally the attitude, which I deplore. On many occasions, friends or family member ask me for CDR copies of my cds. I always decline their request and explain them why I do so. It can be done.

i don´t know about that, personally i see it like preview... as movies have commersials and so on, it´s difficult to get a picture of it as a whole if you just buy stuff and then explore them... and i don´t think people who only download music will start buying it when it get´s illegal...
I love how some people are saying that it's just "today's culture" that tolerates the downloading of music. Well it's great to point that out, since this is the only culture that's been able to fucking download. Do you seriously think that if people could download in the 30's, 40's, 50's and so on, that they wouldn't have? That they held art to such a higher value? That's complete nonsense. When people can get away with stealing, they will; it's that simple. Think about all the guys who robbed pyramids. Taking ancient, priceless art and selling them for a profit. That went on for centuries, so if people are willing to steal that kind of shit, i doubt they'd care if they downloaded an album.

I own probably around 130 some cds. I'm not counting downloaded because I agree that it's bullshit to count them as cds you own.
HaloPhenomenon said:
i don´t know about that, personally i see it like preview... as movies have commersials and so on, it´s difficult to get a picture of it as a whole if you just buy stuff and then explore them
Yes, Myspace and various websites take care that. As with cinema, if one wants to taste the whole of it, he should pay for it.

... and i don´t think people who only download music will start buying it when it get´s illegal...
But IT IS illegal. People will either start buying it when a) they'll have more respect for artistic expression or when b) they'll be constrained to do so by social inhibition.
BurningSky said:
I love how some people are saying that it's just "today's culture" that tolerates the downloading of music.

Who said that? I must have missed it.

When people can get away with stealing, they will; it's that simple.
That may be true for you, but certainly not for me. Would you steal your best friend if you could get away with it? I wouldn't.
You said it, post 99. Basically called it socially acceptable. I thought i read something similar to it earlier, but i dont feel like finding it. What i said probably is a bit overboard for what you said. But just the whole topic of people stealing music today and justifying it bothers me, so thats probably why i said what i said.
sadguru: hey don´t get me wrong... it truly is theft if that is the only thing you do, but there´s nothing one can do and illegalizing music wont change anything... it is just a moral thing... and acting like a netpolice against people who do it for checking out the stuff they are going to buy if it´s good is pointless.
well about to own at least 11 more (rackin em up in my amazon shopping cart rite nowz)
worldwide_suicide said:
mp3's are LAME.

I mean I have tons of those in my office , but they were ripped from actual CD's.

Owning an MP3 without owning the CD is LAME imo, but i don't care, do whatever you want!
Hey! I actually use a software called LAME to rip my CDs to mp3 format. :p

I had just over 750 CDs on my last count, but I have bought more after that, so I should be pretty close to 800 now.

My cassettes and LPs, I have left in storage at my parents, a 16-18 hours drive from here (I don't own a vinyl player or a cassette deck anymore), so I can't count them. But I'd estimate around 150ish each.
HaloPhenomenon said:
sadguru: hey don´t get me wrong... it truly is theft if that is the only thing you do, but there´s nothing one can do and illegalizing music wont change anything... it is just a moral thing... and acting like a netpolice against people who do it for checking out the stuff they are going to buy if it´s good is pointless.
As I see it, illegalizing music serves a cause as it implicitely tells people that owning music without paying for it is not acceptable. It sets a "morality" for those who are insensitive to the artistic cause. In that perspective, copyrights are absolutely crucial. I agree with you, netpolice against people is, as I see it, a palliative and very superficial solution. Most important isn't what THEY can do about it, but what "I" can do about it.
heres my cart so far:

woven hand - mosaic
16 horsepower - folklore
king crimson - larks tongues in aspic
rainbow - st
yes - relayer
scott walker - the drift
lucifer was - blues from hellah
ulver - blood inside
paatos - silence of another kind
enslaved - ruun
nick drake - five leaves left
espers - espers II

im thinkin about puttin a couple allman bros albums in there too, not sure which to go with yet tho
saut said:
heres my cart so far:

woven hand - mosaic
16 horsepower - folklore
king crimson - larks tongues in aspic
rainbow - st
yes - relayer
scott walker - the drift
lucifer was - blues from hellah
ulver - blood inside
paatos - silence of another kind
enslaved - ruun
nick drake - five leaves left
espers - espers II

im thinkin about puttin a couple allman bros albums in there too, not sure which to go with yet tho

Cool haul man!
yeah theres a few of those in there that i havent heard yet, makes things more interesting. also a few that im ashamed not to own yet because ive played them out so much.
well the few that i havent heard yet are all albums you've praised, i doubt they'll disappoint

edit; add first 2 allman bros albums to list

fuck ive spent $150 :erk: this is why i never buy albums