How many of you guys have long hair?


Feb 16, 2003
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I do, it's about shoulder length. I'm considering cutting it though, it's just so much of a hassle. Will it be easier when it gets a bit longer, and can be put entirely behind my head and on my back? As it is now, it's so annoying.
i'm about the shoulder, and no way i'm going to cut it, i've been trying to grow it forever (i was in a private school until 2003)
sometimes it's annoying, getting all over your face when you look down, etc but then a pony tail fixes everything
Once upon a time I had quite long hair - and it was pretty much excellent. However, at some point you have to assimilate if you expect to get a decent job and are forced to do so in the average joe job market. But job sucks!!! Dammit...
Getting longer everyday. I´ve had long hair twice.. At first time the army fucked my plans to be a true badass.. The second time.. Hmm.. I was were drunk.. klipsklips klip... :p