How many tracks do you think an avarage metal album should have?

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3 Inches Of Blood?

Not that they're bad, just that stylistically they seem to be a composite of every genre...
For a full length, at least 35 minutes usually, no upper time limit for me. Number of tracks doesn't matter too much as long as the majority of the songs are good and not filler.
The best albums for some reason tend to be about 10 single tracks (songs). It is acceptable for an album to have 20 tracks but only 10 of them are structured songs and the other 10 are intros or something though.

Conversely, power metal and prog albums that try to do like 75 minutes of music over 13 tracks with a short intro and a two part epic totalling like 25 minutes usually suck I've found...
Dude... if you are so fucking obsessed with not fueling the band's "drug habits" (amazing that you would think that extreme metal bands have drug habits... a select few do but the overwhelming majority simply drinks once in a while or smokes pot), just pirate the shit. DUH. You are WAY too fucking picky and uptight.

When you buy a hamburger at McDonald's you are more likely to be fueling a drug habit then when you buy an underground metal CD.
Note how I said I wanted FULL songs there, pal? I do not consider a song to be full unless it goes into at least three minutes (anything over 10 minutes is generally sleep music or a complete waste of time).

If I am going to spend money in order to fuel the band's coke and prostitute habit then I expect my money's worth. Otherwise I am content to just buy single songs from sites like Itunes, combine them with good songs from other bands, and make my own custom CDs and the band can just take it artistic vision and general laziness and go fuck itself.

I was wondering if you could settle a bet for us. My friend thinks you are a mentally retarded, while another friend believes that you are just 13-14 years old. I on the other hand, believe you have a rare type of mental illness that makes you incapable of critical thinking.

A speedy reply would be much appreciated. I have 5 dollars and a six pack of Sunkist orange soda riding on this.
I think it´s an unwritten law that every album with more than ten songs suck,The Black Album and Blessed Are The Sick being the exceptions to confirm the rule.
I think it´s an unwritten law that every album with more than ten songs suck,The Black Album and Blessed Are The Sick being the exceptions to confirm the rule.

Even though you're wrong, I will say that albums with more than, say, 12 songs that are in the average song length range (3-6 minutes) tend to drag the most. I see that more in mainstream pop artists than metal usually. Metallica's later albums are notorious for that problem. Alabama Thunderpussy has a few as well. That's all I can think of off-hand.

If you disagree, then my prayers are with you.
Grindcore is a bit different though, because songs tend to be short. Not that I necessarily agree with him, though.
10+ track albums are great. I also tend to enjoy instrumental fillers. Bal-Sagoth does that really well.
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