How many tracks do you think an avarage metal album should have?

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I think it´s an unwritten law that every album with more than ten songs suck,The Black Album and Blessed Are The Sick being the exceptions to confirm the rule.

Ok name an album with more than ten songs which hasn´t got any fillers.

Just because an album has one or two filler tracks doesn't automatically make it bad.

Also, the Black Album? Are you fucking serious?
It's an okay album, but it's mostly filler.
As long as an album is mostly good, a filler track or two won't bother me that much. What does bother me though, is when every track is filler, such as with the Dethalbum.

Are you serial

@ Mathias: YES, Bal-Sagoth has some of the best orchestral-ish instrumentals in metal...Battle Magic (the song) anyone? Final Fantasy Tactics style!

:kickass: Yeah, that's a great intro. To Storm the Cyclopean Gates of Byzantium also rules
Municipal Waste are just all out thrash metal with a few iotas of punk influences. I don't even consider them crossover.
Ok as a fan of bands like Suicidal Tendenies,DRI,MOD,Vio-Lence,Anthrax(StaTe OF Euphoria).Does Municipal Waste stack up against great crossover?

The short answer is no. If you own any of DRI's best records then MW is a pretty unnecessary addition to your collection. They're a complete throwback band who don't waste time trying to convince people otherwise. That said, they still do it pretty well and are the ultimate party animals with some ridiculous live antics (or at least that was the case at one point).

Honestly, the only thing that bugs me about them is that their popularity has spawned so many other retro-thrash bands composed of 18-year-olds dressing like it's 1986 and playing some kind of goofy caricature of Bonded by Blood. If I want to hear that, I've got Kreator and SOD records that I haven't grown sick of yet.
I hear ya bro,these throwback bands bother me too as it seems that some of these kids (maybe) believe that this is the new trend(like emo,metalcore,whatever)but crossover and Thrash never died for some and is a vital part of the history of Metal
Depends upon the price. If I am getting charged $10, then I want at least 10 FULL songs. If I am getting charged $20, then I want at least 19 songs.

What I DO NOT WANT is to get charged $10-$20 for a CD of a whopping four or five songs just because the band felt lazy enough to screw over their fans.

Jethro Tull: Thick As A Brick

2 tracks

45 minutes

Fuckin' BADASS record.
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