How to get used to Black Metal?

Don't try to like black metal. If you aren't into it at first listen, you probably never will be.

Not true, I did not care for most Black Metal when I was just starting to get into metal. I like the original poster was used to good productions and lighter material. The first time I heard something I can qualify as real metal I couldnt stand it (Napalm Death - Twist the knife was my first ever death metal experience:lol:.) and it took higher production band to get me used to it. Same with black metal. Call me what you will but I could not wrap my head around Black metal until I listened to Dimmu Borgir's Puritanical Misanthropia and I started to appreciate the appeal, these days I love all kinds of black metal. Call it a shitty band all you want, but gateway bands have their purpose and for me it was opening my eyes to the possibilities of a great genre.
Listen to what you like, not what you want to like??
Yep. And besides, there are literally thousands of different variants of BM - I guess nobody likes ALL styles of BM in general, there are always things you like and things you don't like within the same genre.
Just listen to the genre a lot. That is only the real way to get into black metal. I'm pretty certain in the Rec. board somewhere there is a thread that suggest plenty of "good" and "essential" black metal albums so just go there and pick a handful. After that just go through and find some you find interesting and give them a good 5-10 spins.

Black metal isn't one of those things that you just pick up and immediately like. It takes time and investment to get a feel for the atmosphere of one album/artist. There are elements in a black metal album you might not even hear until the 20th time you listen to it so don't feel like you absolutely need to understand the genre and what is appealing about it through a handful of forum replies and song suggestions from youtube.

I think someone recommended Immortal earlier, I also agree and would probably start with them. Maybe move on to Burzum, early Mayhem, and Emperor after Immortal.
Listen to the song Deathcrush on youtube from Mayhem. Great song. Satyricon is really good also. check out their new self-titled album. Like any genre there are good bands and shitty bands. You just have to keep listening and find the ones you like.
Repeat the music until you like it
Do like me. Bedtime, go to bed put your headphones on and repeat any Black Metal album ("accidentally") fall asleep with the album still going. Wake up the day after and for some strange reason you'll probably love that album or the whole genre if you're lucky. Have no freaking idea how that works but it does at least for me o.O


Or what's working for me is, start with black metal mixed with something you already like. Black/Thrash is enjoyable.
I often sort of force myself to like new music. Listen to it a million times, read what people say about it, try to find good stuff of course (I recommend Burzum, particularly Aske and Filosofem, and Blut Aus Nord, particularly The Work Which Transforms God and the 777 trilogy, also the most recent Aosoth album I really like, called An Arrow in Heart). Finally, I know some people disapprove of this sort of thing, but getting high often helps me break into something that sounds interesting but doesn't groove for me. Usually once I've sort of broken the ice that way, if I actually like it of course, I'll also love it sober.
The first step is for you to decide whether you like your cornflakes crispy or soft. It'll become quite easy after you do that.
I got into black metal by browsing forums and reading people's insight into the quality of specific albums. You probably aren't going to like it upon a cursory listen. I'd recommend listening to Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse a couple of times and if possible, try to do so in an environment that could enhance the experience.

I didn't like In the Nightside Eclipse when I first heard it. However, I gave it a second chance while on a walk during a violent thunderstorm later that day. That put it into context for me and I've loved it ever since.
but getting high often helps me break into something that sounds interesting but doesn't groove for me. Usually once I've sort of broken the ice that way, if I actually like it of course, I'll also love it sober.

Same for me. I've disliked a lot of albums until I heard them when I was nice and stoned. It's pretty much how I got into Black Metal.
Same for me. I've disliked a lot of albums until I heard them when I was nice and stoned. It's pretty much how I got into Black Metal.

I thought you were using it for your magickal purposes. I mean, the satanik and egyptian magick rituals in your bedroom. You giant faggot.