How to tell a drummer his drums are all fake..

The Allen and Heath is pointless. You dont need it!

Get rid of it and take the $1000 you spent on it and buy some quality mics / D/A' and Monitors.

I notice you didn't mention monitors, so are you trying to mix on PC speakers?

Not to be a dick, but I have better gear then you and I still dont get paid cause I dont think my product is professional enough yet to warrant getting paid. Best way for me to practice and get better is offer my services for free till I get a mix I think is superb. Which is coming close.
The Allen and Heath is pointless. You dont need it!

Well to be fair it can be handy for setting up several zero latency headphone mixes.
And if it has direct out's then you could use them as preamps and go into a ADA8000 for conversion. I used to have a very similar setup actually.

But I do agree, you could sell that and pick up a decent ADAT equipped preamp instead.
Dude you seriously need to be reconsidering getting paid to do this

You have no idea what you are doing. Just cause you got a decent recording doesn't mean you are ready to start charging people for your services. Especially asking a question like this.

So you still haven't answered some questions:

1. Whats with the Allen and Heath?
2. What kind of Studio Monitors are you using?
Well to be fair it can be handy for setting up several zero latency headphone mixes.
And if it has direct out's then you could use them as preamps and go into a ADA8000 for conversion. I used to have a very similar setup actually.

But I do agree, you could sell that and pick up a decent ADAT equipped preamp instead.

My point in it is I can GUARAN-DAMN-TEE hes going to use it as a pre. Spending money on a mixer as a pre nowadays is just silly. Unless your going out any buy a $20000 Neve / SSL or something its a waste of cash.

Lets say its Mix Wiz 3 which is all the rage right now for live mixing. It goes for $899.99

He could invest $499 in another profire and have 16 channels. Then take the other $400 and go buy 4 more 57s or 2 57s and a set of OH's and mic the full kit. From there he could use Drumagog / apTrigga or Slate Trigger and be done with it.

The mixer is a wasted purchase imho
The Allen and Heath is pointless. You dont need it!

Get rid of it and take the $1000 you spent on it and buy some quality mics / D/A' and Monitors.

I notice you didn't mention monitors, so are you trying to mix on PC speakers?

Not to be a dick, but I have better gear then you and I still dont get paid cause I dont think my product is professional enough yet to warrant getting paid. Best way for me to practice and get better is offer my services for free till I get a mix I think is superb. Which is coming close.

I'm happy with my mixes right now, I've just never been very proud of my gear, but I like it meow.

I have studio monitors too. Krk VXT6.

I think I've got myself a pretty decent studio for the moment. I don't see the need in all of the outboard gear....yet
And what do you use the Allen & Heath for exactly?

you realize you can plug the mics right into your interface right?

The Allen & Heath especially if its a Mix Wiz 3, is just adding noise to the chain. :)

Yes, I'm aware. lol

I did a whole night of research on this stuff (doesn't sound like much, but I wasn't THAT dumb with outboard gear).

I plan on using it eventually. I really like to feel the mix rather than just using a mouse to mix it. Sounds lame, but it's very true. I had some extra cash layin' around so I got it, seeing it to be a good investment ESSENTIALLY (when I have more stuff).
I am guessing is one of the ZED series of mixers?

From the A & H website:

What's great about the ZED-14

The feature-set is incredibly advanced for a mixer at this level – it has 13 independent sources to the mix, 10 independent outputs, 4 aux sends, a USB send & return for PC or Mac recording, playback and effects, a unique dual stereo input capability and some very advanced monitoring facilities. In fact, ZED-14 is so packed full of great features that you’d think it would cost much, much more!

It can be used for many different tasks, whether in live performance, utilizing plug-in effects via USB, live recording via USB and Cakewalk, studio recording or mixing down to produce your own 2-track recordings.

I am not seeing a benefit of having this vs the internal mixer in your daw?

This is $800 surely "better quality" mics should have been a priority in your case, especially with your OP
why in the fuck do you have a mixer?! haha makes no fucking sense to me! just get a usb control surface if you want to mix with actual faders. mixer doesn't make sense!
Well the Zed can be a control surface, but only for the Fader and Panning you can also use the ZED's built in effects on the channels. Its not 100% useless, but in this guys case buying more mics, and A/D conversion would have been better.

basically be bought it cause he thinks every studio needs one and hes closed minded, as you can tell by when he uses words like "meow", inexperienced when he says things like "but I wasn't THAT dumb with outboard gear", and just plain ignorant "Went out and bought a bunch of stuff to be ready. Got a nice rig now! muhahahaha"

Fist the rigs isnt all that nice, granted the Profire is great and all, but WTF is he plugging into it to get decent drums? 3 Mics? Really? Seriously?

He might as well just skipped all the cash spending and done it the way he used to, just program everything and be done with it. Now hes wasting time recording drum sounds hes #1 not going to use #2 are just gonna eat up CPU when he plays them back.

Basically to put it bluntly hes a nub, and when we tell him how to fix his shit, he doesnt listen. This place is getting more and more infected with this "" type of vermin, and its starting to get annoying.
I think everyone needs to take a pill and chill.

If he want's to run his shit his own way then that's fine, maybe he is a noob but I don't understand the amount of aggro in this thread.
I understand it, Guru makes a point and the kid goes on like "I wanna FEEEEEEL the mix instead of moving digital faders" which is really dumb and a huge waste of money, casue for that he would get a controller to move the faders in the DAW, not just get a mixer cause it looks more pro and pros use them.
Lol... one night of research? For a whole rig?!

I spent an entire co-op job researching my cheap n00b recording setup.

If im spending that much mad dough (which I never have all at once in my life), I would be doing way more research, trials, A/B-ing buying and returning and all that bullshit.

Oh well.... lucky guy to have that much money!

It's obvious he doesn't really want advice anymore... he seems happy with his new toys.

I wish I had a grand to blow on a mixer i don't really need.

It seems the hostility is based around the fact that this guys getting paid for doing a fraction of the work the rest of us have.

Just remember, he may be getting money now... but if he doesn't know what hes doing hes gonna be exposed for the fraud he is!

But hey... on the other hand maybe his recordings will actually turn out amazing! And then we can learn a thing or two about making due with what we have.
Audio engineering is a never-ending learning process, and spending money on something you'll realize you never needed in the first place and going head over heels into your first sessions will most likely give some valuable lessons :)

Then again, maybe it'll turn out awesome and the bands will be stoked about the results. Seems he's determined to do this his way disregard the (kinda brutal, but valuable) advice in this thread, so let's just wait and see.
It seems the hostility is based around the fact that this guys getting paid for doing a fraction of the work the rest of us have.

No that's not it.

The hostility or attitude is a better way to put it is because he came here asking us for advice. Once we gave it to him he decided to do his own thing, which is fine.

But to come here ask advice and say "i really don't have any quality mics", then turn around and buy something useless as the mixer is just foolish. Then when I told him that he basically said well fuck you I am doing it my way.

Well if hes gonna do it his way, don't ask our advice in the first place.