How to tell a drummer his drums are all fake..


Now take the money you spent on the A&H and get your self a triggering plugin!

Slate Digitals Trigger

I am a Slate guy personally.

Then get your self a half way decent set of drum mic's. Wether it be 57s and a Beta 52 with some decent overheads, (oh I think you said you had a set?), then record them like normal onto separate tracks. From there load up the plugin and the samples you want to use on each track and BOOM, no programming drums! You can even blend the real drum sound with the triggers and sometimes get much better results :)

You will still have to time align some stuff as no drummer is perfect but the results will be faster and more realistic :)

Now take the money you spent on the A&H and get your self a triggering plugin!

Slate Digitals Trigger

I am a Slate guy personally.

Then get your self a half way decent set of drum mic's. Wether it be 57s and a Beta 52 with some decent overheads, (oh I think you said you had a set?), then record them like normal onto separate tracks. From there load up the plugin and the samples you want to use on each track and BOOM, no programming drums! You can even blend the real drum sound with the triggers and sometimes get much better results :)

You will still have to time align some stuff as no drummer is perfect but the results will be faster and more realistic :)

I have drumagog, actually! So, I should be all set. :hotjump::hotjump::hotjump:
I'll post some stuff on this thread in a week or so, once I've recorded this first band.

Thanks man
Okay dudes. I couldn't wait any longer, finally recorded something with my Profire, and real drums (But triggered kick,snare and toms).

This is a very quick mix--Bass is a little out in the mix, but I wasn't too worried about that, since this isn't a final mix, at all.

Check it:

Like I said, very quick mix, but I had to try it.
I'm gonna be perfectly honest dude, those cymbals sound pretty fake - I'm willing to bet you programmed those too.

Yeah, in fact, I'm positive those cymbals are fake - they sound very Slate-ish.
I'm gonna be perfectly honest dude, those cymbals sound pretty fake - I'm willing to bet you programmed those too.

Yeah, in fact, I'm positive those cymbals are fake - they sound very Slate-ish.

Are you serrrrious?!

They're real cymbals =( I don't understand... The hi-hat is a bit over compressed now that I listen to it.. How can real cymbals sound fake? Thanks for pointing it out, but now I need answers! haha.
The crash sounds like the same couple samples every time, the hi-hats and ride both sound exactly like slate stuff I've heard. Not to mention the hi-hat, ride, and main crash and china are all on the left side of the kit? That makes no sense at all from a drumming perspective unless you're a lefty playing on a right handed kit and you only play open-handed.

I'm sorry dude, but I don't believe those are real. Can you post them solo'd, without the drums? Just solo'd OH mics?
The crash sounds like the same couple samples every time, the hi-hats and ride both sound exactly like slate stuff I've heard. Not to mention the hi-hat, ride, and main crash and china are all on the left side of the kit? That makes no sense at all from a drumming perspective unless you're a lefty playing on a right handed kit and you only play open-handed.

I'm sorry dude, but I don't believe those are real. Can you post them solo'd, without the drums? Just solo'd OH mics?

I am an open handed drummer mainly, yes.

Yeah I'll solo them out here in a little bit.

There were a few points that I'd copy a transient and past them in certain places to emphasize certain things, and if that's what you're talking about as sounding fake, then THANK you I will have to fix that.
I still don't understand your panning - if you're an open handed drummer who isn't left handed, why are all of your main cymbals panned to the left, when your drums descend left to right, tom-wise?

Seriously, the only person who I know does this is Gene Hoglan, and really only on the last Strapping album. But he's left handed, so it's all good.
Coheed's old drummer had that same set up, so you know Jeff.. Left handed on a right hand kit..

Well, his china may have been on the right.


EDIT: Most right handed drummers that play open handed actually play left hand lead (not me ofcourse by my left arm is retarded....)
I still don't understand your panning - if you're an open handed drummer who isn't left handed, why are all of your main cymbals panned to the left, when your drums descend left to right, tom-wise?

Seriously, the only person who I know does this is Gene Hoglan, and really only on the last Strapping album. But he's left handed, so it's all good.

I just felt like panning them like that. I liked the feel of it better, I suppose. I didn't know there was a rule on how to pan cymbals.
IMO the hats sound real but all the other ones def sound programmed...Maybe we should ask this a different didnt program the cymbals...but did you sample replace the cymbals?

Also check your guitar edits...Im noticing a few cuts that seem a touch too early
IMO the hats sound real but all the other ones def sound programmed...Maybe we should ask this a different didnt program the cymbals...but did you sample replace the cymbals?

Also check your guitar edits...Im noticing a few cuts that seem a touch too early

They're real cymbals, but in a few places, yes, they are replaced with best hit cymbals (meaning I just found a good cymbal hit in the recording hit, and pasted it in very select places).

Yeah, the bridge is COMPLETELY copy+Paste haha.

Didn't feel like spending hours on this, it's just a rough mix.
Be honest with the band, thats the best business decision you can make. Let them know you can only program drums, if they get pissed and leave then thats just the way it must go on. Because if they pay you and you lie and they get pissed.........your looking at more problems then its worth.

Dude ... this would sound a TON better without all that verb on the snare.

And ya those cymbals def sound fake :) Ride sounds just like the ride in Slate. The fill at 136 is off time and way to machine like. Its not smooth and "in-time" like a normal "quad" would be.

Also, you said YOU were an open handed drummer. I thought this was someone else's band you were recording not yours?

Can we get the story straight?