How was your day?

Jimmy... Dead.

contemplative curmudgeon
Feb 7, 2007
Planet Bullshit
We have a What Are You Doing Now thread and a Whining and Bitching thread but this thread is simply for explaining and/or expressing how your day was - whether it was good or bad, boring or exciting

So.. How was your day, man?
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My day was a shitty garbage shitwiener but it just turned alright. Basically I thought I would have to go to two shithole cities tomorrow but I will only have to go to one. Probably.
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Ok I suppose, another day on this passenger vessel. I don't like it on here because the ship doesn't go anywhere and it's full of bogan miners and catering/cleaning staff who have no idea how to conduct themselves on a ship. It's funny when you're in a confined living area with people you don't like, you really don't like and vice-versa. But every time I drink too much coffee and going into a confused rant about hating these people afterwards I think how bad it must be in jail.
I had a doctors appointment and subsequent blood work which revealed some irregularities. So I had to go get more done. The rest of the day is open.
Woke up at 3:30. Jerked off already. Going to go to the laundromat and clean, then probably get a cup of coffee while I do some much needed grading.

I think I may end up with a parking ticket though. I forgot to move my car from one parking lot to the other, but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.

Also, this was my 10,000th post. Suck it.
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I'm stupid sick and it was kind of a shitty day, but it appears CIG did some more like whoring so now at least I feel clever. What a good dude, that CIG. Improving everyone's day in a special little way.
Woke up at 3:30. Jerked off already. Going to go to the laundromat and clean, then probably get a cup of coffee while I do some much needed grading.

I think I may end up with a parking ticket though. I forgot to move my car from one parking lot to the other, but who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.

Also, this was my 10,000th post. Suck it.
I can't think of a better post for your ten thousanth than talking about masturbating and coffee.

I'm stupid sick and it was kind of a shitty day, but it appears CIG did some more like whoring so now at least I feel clever. What a good dude, that CIG. Improving everyone's day in a special little way.
Yeah I quite enjoy CIG. Best new poster we've had in a long time, in a time when we usually get people like UltimateApathy.
Woke up, had sex, ate, played w/the kids, played some games, went to work, now home drinking a beer and talking about all that on here. Super exciting stuff. #dadlife
Not too bad. I work long hours bit it's rewarding. Now I am watching Good Eats and enjoying nice beer.
That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.
My wife was extremely flummoxed when she first came to Australia and the cashier at the supermarket asked her how her day was. They do not do this in Germany.
When people ask me how my day is IRL, I automatically say it is good, even if it is going bad.
My wife was extremely flummoxed when she first came to Australia and the cashier at the supermarket asked her how her day was. They do not do this in Germany.

When people ask me how my day is IRL, I automatically say it is good, even if it is going bad.

I think this is an English/American thing. "How ya doin" is not an actual query, and "Doin Alright" is a default answer. My German teacher covered the difference in greeting styles.
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My response is because I don't expect any further query if my day is good, but I don't want to suffer additional conversation with casual acquaintances if my day is bad. I don't enjoy meaningless dialogue with people that I don't know or care for.
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I'm just generally emotionally cold and don't enjoy awkward emotional situations with people that I don't have strong relationships with. I'm actually quite shy from those situations because I don't understand them or why some people consider them to be supportive or kind. They are inconvenient.
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