How you got into AA?

was downloading some mp3's dl OSTGH by chance....then picked a random song while reading shit online....wasn't really paying attention, but it was the song amon amarth, and all of a sudden that killer riff at 1:43 caught my ear and I was like wait a min this shit rules! been my favorite band ever since
Many years ago, when I got a free CD w. various artists that came a long a Swedish metal mag. I heard all the Gothenburg crap before and I already knew of Cannibal Corpse and co. Then I heard Bleed For Ancient Gods (second song I think) and it striked me how immenlsy fucking raw yet eerily hooky this song was and I had never heard death metal like this before. Salute!
i was at century media's website, and the name got my attention because it's tolkeinien. nerd.
A friend of mine and I were in a music store. He handed me "The Avenger" and said "Dude, this shit is really good. I mean, the last track has the sound of a ship going through the water. It doesn't get more viking than that." And I usually took this kid a little light hearted, but I'll admit, the thought that a band put the sound of a boat in waves interested me. Not to mention the song names, as well as the cover work for the album. Three things I usually could give a fuck about (art, song titles, and friends oppinions) actually got me into AA.
Hrm... I was at a CD store getting Bolt Thrower's 'Mercenary' when I spotted the Avenger, the artwork was fucking sweet and I have heard Amon Amarth through reading Tolkien, add the fact that it was on Metalblade and I knew of the band...

40 minutes later and listening to Metalwrath like 5 times in a row, I knew Id found my favorite 'Death' Metal band ever.

And then I listened to The Last with Pagan Blood... heh
I remember it clearly: I was about to go on a family vacation to Iceland of all places in the summer of 98' and was making a trip to the record store beforehand. Well, my eye stuck on osftgh, and I was fucking hooked...coincidentally an amazingly good fit for the trip of choice. I must have listend to that album twice everyday of that holiday.
Originally posted by Somberlain
I first downloaded 'The Dragns Flight across the Waves' about two or so years back..was hooked since then.

Samer here. I was searching for a different song, and that title caught my eye. Once I heard it, I was hooked...though I found it 3-4 years ago.
(that was one of the reasons I wanted the OSFTGH shirt so badly - it was that album that I first bought and was a song from it that got me into AA).
I first read something about AA in various german metal mags and then I got interested and I listened to them. I first bought the Avenger, I loved bleed for ancient gods and bought the other cd`s.........
Being into the whole Viking thing, I had to check them out when I heard about them...
Downloaded a couple of songs and then bought Once Sent From the Golden Hall...
Originally posted by Judas
My friend made me listen to releasing surturs fire, and then i was trapped.

I am that friend, and I read of AA in UM and downloaded the crusher and realized how godly it is!
i was in a cd store...then, like in a movie something in the air moved my hand on "once cent from the golden hall",i take it up and without thinking about,i buyed it..then,at home i'v listen to the cd and from that moment AMON AMARTH RUNS through my veins..YEP!!