I am going to blow up every fucking bank in North America.

*The in-laws used to pay around $700 dollars (!!!) a month on average due to keeping the basement heated (I dont), having the house always at 72 degrees (!!!) for the grandfather, and having that shit on 24/7 because they're retired.

i keep failing to really understand the benefits of home ownership ... so i can sit in the backyard once in awhile?

that's what my friends backyards are for :loco:
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seriously I am on a mission of cutting as many bills and expenses as possible. enjoy my fucking self and the family more.

working to pay off shit and having maybe 2 hours of actual relaxing time on a weekend is bologna.
Earlier this year I was nearly $11,000 in debt, a divine number that I built over a period of 7 years. I don't think more than about $2,000 of that was in interest though, I was always flipping it back and forth between whoever offered the 5% interest rate teaser bullshit. I always had more money invested than I did have owed to banks, so I was lazy in formulating a plan to pay it off until earlier this year when I finally grew tired of it, and since I fell into a situation of being rent-free for a spell, I had no excuses left.

Today? Zero, zilch, nada, adios muchacho, fucking gone. Paid the last of it off this afternoon. :kickass:

I hope I never do that again. *knocks on wood*
LOL. I was debt free for a year. Money in the bank. Pink slips for two cars. It was fucking beautiful.

Now? $3,800 in credit card debt and we owe about $20,000 on two cars, as we're trying to buy a fucking house for $260,000. :rolleyes:

Oh well. It's all just made up numbers anyhow.
Youre still doing ok. Avoid the house purchaseration though.....at least in California. Sooooooooo overpriced
Our landlord just had to drop $1,600 on a new fridge for us. That was after spending some $$$ trying to fix the old one.

We've been here long enough where I've watched at least $4,000 in repairs over the last year or two. And the ceiling got some water stains during the huge rainstorms we had a few years ago. I'm sure that will be cheap when it requires more attention.

Also the insulation sucks and will need to eventually be replaced.

I don't have to deal with any of these problems, other than occasionally waiting around for the repair dude.

But I'm starting to think that any tax benefits of paying a mortgage are directly offset by repair costs.

At least I know every year I'll owe a small chunk to the IRS. Who the fuck knows when houses will fall apart? SURPRISE! You need $10,000 in new pipes.

It's like Monopoly except every Chance card can possibly send you straight to the poorhouse instead of just making you flip the board over and/or rob the bank when other players are taking a bathroom break.
I inherited my grandmother's house when she passed. So essentially I'm fully responsible for a home I don't live in. I had to cough up 2k 6 months back to replace one fucking pipe. Ughhhhhh

My mother lives there, but she's a white my pals who refuses to work. Yay me! On the bright side, once my kid brother turns 18, I'll only be half responsible. :loco:
Yeah, fuck that shit.

Srsly, buying a house was the worst decision I have ever made. I did it for my wife. You don't own your house, it owns you. Jst like any other material possessions but 6,485, 549 x more. Losing it would be a blessing.
My wife doesn't really want to buy a house either.

I think we're just tired of paying rent. Sorta. Maybe.


By the way, did you blow up Citibank yet? I owe them $3,800.