I am leavin'

Okay so currently I'm fighting with a horrible throat ache, it's swollen and hurts like hell. Very unkewl. I'm drinking this superhot medicine that should ease the pain but so far it only burned my lips :p

Well anyway, I'm going back to Helsinki between 09.09-09.12 for a lil' weekend chilling..

Oh and now it's a fact: I'll only stay with the family until the end of september, then I'll invade Hki for octobre and finally head home for a while. And as Tal, prolly I'll only come back in December or so.
Dude, do you intentionally annoy ppl with your huge sig or yu are just utterly stupid to realize that it makes the page download so much slower? Or yu just don't care because you wanna show off a fucking building and a field?? For fucks sake, RESIZE THAT GODDAMN SIGNATURE!!!
Well it had come to this boys and girls; my baby sitting days in Parainen are over! The father I worked for took me back to Helsinki this morning and here I shall stay until end of october.

I have kind mixed feeling about it, I think in the end, Im gonna miss that place. After all i lived with them for 4 months, we had some good moments. If only i could keep my cam to take more pictures... but seemingly it's my destiny not to have a goddamn cam haha. Somebody might be afraid that I'll take nasty pics of him or what? :tickled:

The morning didn't start too well tho, I had to drive from Parainen to Kaarina to meet up with Kai (the father) there but the BLOODY car thought it's going to be VEEEEERY funny if it refuse to close the backdoor. I tell you smthing, IT WASN'T FUNNY AT ALL. Cursing, yelling and kicking the car totally fucked up my schedule and I almost didn't get there in time. As after 15mins and a crappy 'lets-tie-the-backdoor-down-with-a-rope' solution I decided not to care anymore and whoosh. Did I mention that the rain ws falling heavily as well and the windows got all moisty? Neat.
So there was I, with a half open backdoor, a moisty window in the goddamn rain with 5 slowass cars in front of me. With all these nice features the usually 20 mins trip took an hour, yay.

But it's the past now, as I'm sitting in front of my bf's mac in Helsinki while typing this. Oh joy, and tonight is hopefully a Corner Bar night, CIDER down you go! :D

Plans for the following days: finding a used phone store (I already have a slight guess where to search) , recharge my phone and book my flight.

See you around folks :D
^Well at least not atm! ARGHHH%/"&€%&/€%"/&€%)/!!! I just missed a job with 2 friggin' minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some ppl were searching for hungarians for voice recordings at Helsinki University and and a goddamn bitch called them 2 bloody mins before I did :yell: :yell: I could kill someone now... >8((((((

At least yesterday night was fun... hey Tal, guess what, it turned out that Sami called Ville also and babbled some nonsense to him hahaha! So I doubt that he'll remember any of what we talked yesterday but I'll give him a call soon.
Hehe!!! Sami does seem like a fun guy from what I met of him :lol: And I am sorry about missing that job!! I know what that is like, trust me....arg. But you'll find sumthin, don't worry! If an idiotic drunken Yankee can get at least a little gig here, then I am sure you can!!

Yeah, lemme know what's goin on tonight. My roomie's out for awhile but i'll just txt him and let him know if I go out. I can't spend TOO much at all cos I wanna watch the funs, I am gettin paid this weekend, but still, gotta be careful.
Today I didnt hit the travel agency cos it was Laundry Day and I desperately needed to do my wash, as I was running out and I could rewear shirts but they were covered with either beer and/or vomit so that wouldn't have been a good idea. But tomorrow I am pretty much free so i'll be talking to them, even tho i know what they are gonna say, I guess I should talk to them anyway, I know i'll need to pay a fee but maybe they can reserve a ticket for me for the first week in October or something.

Say, one night you and I have to hit a karaoke bar as well as the gay bar. :D :lol:
Oh yes, the gay bar!! Definitely! :tickled: Not sure about the karaoke tho... me = shy :oops:

About tonight; I tried to call Sami but his phone was switched off, heh... no wonder, I think he's lying in his own puke somewhere :lol: I'll try again a bit later but imo this is going to be a resting night ;) We need that sometimes as well (especially my wallet :lol: )

Well yeah that fucked up job really pissed me off; but then I called this tourist office, Helsinki Expert, and a really nice woman told me that there are guide courses starting and she forwarded my CV to the lady in charge. That'd be awesome as well, to be a tourguide (would also provide me with work experience for the college). *fingers crossed* as always, heh.
Yes! Good luck with that one. Yeah, tonight might be a resting night. I guess we shall see what happens, eh? I know I'll be usin some time to cook tomorrow and this weekends dinner which is a massive pot of hamburger, macaroni, and ketchup. Man, I got so hooked on pasta with ketchup here :p

Yeah, I am sure Sami's ok, once he cleans the puke off himself :lol:
Okay so yesterday was complete utter fun spiced with alcohol and a bar named Bar. That has to be the most unoriginal name I've ever heard for a bar. Well anyhow, the night started around 9pm for me, headed to Rock Bar to meet up with Tal Zee DJ and to eat an (in)famous thai fried noodles and chicken which was said to be totally unspicy (Tang, I shall kill thee! >8( ). If it was not spicy then I am a two headed giant space hamster.
Don't worry folks, the mouth burning passed after an hour when I met me other buddies and we headed to a place called Base (?). First half an hour: no chairs. fun. not. Finally we got to a table, I bought an insanely expensive cig (5€ :yell: ) and encountered a women's toilet without doorknob. Two times I went two times I have been... well, 'disturbed'. :erk:
Anyhow, around closing time we switched to this Bar place across the street. It was actually kinda nice and most of it all, it was open till 4am! Oh, and the toilet was closable.
Somewhere around 4-5am we finally headed home... on foot, yay. No cab for us poor ppl (or whatever was the reason why my finnish buddies didnt take one). Well, i still got home safely after an, khnm, 'interesting' night.

@Tal: could you take my cd's back tonight? ;)
HAHAHAHAHHAHA, yu can't possibly imagine how wrong that statement was.

I haven't even been properly drunk yet in Finland! Boozing a lil' and getting wasted 24/7 is not equal to each other.
I am the typical social drinker :p

Well it's pretty gloomy outside as I look at the menacing clouds, your usual suicidal day. Again, I don't think I'll go anywhere to save some cash. Hm, I should eat tho. But eating is overrated so I might jut not :p

EDIT: Just got an sms from Tal to go into the city, heh. Can't say it's a bad idea after all :D