I got the new maiden cd

Just dl it (dont worry ill buy like 8 copies!!!) The album is great, as long as we dont have idiots that compare it to number of the beast we are good here people. For the maiden fans, you gonna hear some old rifts from past albums...ah memories. Truely a great album, best album i heard this whole year.
epi5ode666 said:
i take it wildest dreams must be the lamest song on the album then, because it dosnt do that much for me... *prays its the worst song*

I didn't think much of Wildest Dreams at first, but it'll grow on you. When The Rainmaker kicks in, all your fears will disappear.
No More lies gotta be the best song on it! well in my opinion, as for the dreams song, actually that was probably the worst song on the album. Maybe they did that on purpose not to overhype the release?