Bands that you like but don't listen to that often

Goatwhore is one of the worst bands ive ever seen live. They are the whores of touring round Chicagoland. They played w/ Hatebreed,Cattle Decapitation, and forgot who else all within 2 week time span.

I agree. I saw Goatwhore with 1349 and Nachmystium... Nachmystium was, no doubt, the better of the three that played. 1349 wasn't that great, but Goatwhore was just terrible. I was tempted to sit down and start making paper planes during their set.
I'm pretty much into it all but the older material is better.

I should listen to them more. After re-reading my post and then reading yours, now I'm really in the mood. :)
Sentenced. I listen to them from time to time, though I really like them.

Do you like their newer material. I only listen to north from here and amok which is actually a lot.
Amok is definitely on my to hear to list. It's often hailed as the band's most accomplished work, isn't it? I've been listening to North from Here on a daily basis lately. Extremely addicting. Ugh, I thought I was quoting The Greys. Strange.
I like those bands a lot but they don't seem to find their way into my cd players these days...

The Chasm
Manilla Road
The Lord Weird Slough Feg
Sabbat (both)
I suppose I could get more specific...probably the main bands that I don't listen to much are all of the Norwegian Black Metal bands aside from Burzum and Darkthrone. I don't play Immortal, Emperor, Mayhem, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, Ulver, or Ildjarn much at all. I've been actively trying to play De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Pure Holocaust, and Emperor/Wrath Of The Tyrant more. There's also just way too much old school Death Metal to get very many frequent plays for any. The only Norwegian Death Metal I play a lot is Molested. Torchure, Desultory, Entombed, Unleashed, Grave, Dismember...I'm always too busy playing the latest purchases.
Chroming Rose
Heaven's Gate
Tony Macalpine
Pretty Maids