Bands that you like but don't listen to that often

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
For me it would have to be:
Morbid Angel
Iron Maiden

I love all these bands but for some reason they never reach my CD player.
Void of Silence, though I've listened to Human Antithesis a few times this week alone which is good because it is so damned amazing.
Devil Doll
Sear Bliss
Las Joyaux De La Princesse
In the Woods

I like them all, but often find something else to listen to instead.
I don't listen to a fuckton of bands that I like very often because there's simply not enough time to do so considering the sheer number of bands.
I don't listen to a fuckton of bands that I like very often because there's simply not enough time to do so considering the sheer number of bands.


But most notably a lot of bands I got into many, many years ago, such as: Immortal, Darkthrone, Burzum, The Chasm, Nokturnal Mortum, Mayhem, Blut Aus Nord, Moonblood, Absu, Abigor, Massacra, Order From Chaos... etc.
I don't listen to a fuckton of bands that I like very often because there's simply not enough time to do so considering the sheer number of bands.

going to have 400 cds in a few months and I already have too many neglected bands already. Imagine having 1k+ albums plus a ton of mp3s like a few ppl here have.... I usually pick a couple of bands and play the fuck out of them for a week then move on to the next ones. this is artillery/pariah week

One band that I don't listen to anymore but enjoy is opeth. They were the first non-radio friendly band that I became a fan of. I literally listened to them for 6 months straight, everyday, a few hours a day. I had just about every song ingrained in my brain, note for note. Once I started buying cds I decided to take a break and haven't listened to them for more than a couple of hours. It's been over two years since i took my break. I think i'll give them some listens later on this year.
iniquity is the one i recall atm liking very much on the first listen but not playing it again :( happens to me all the time as necuratul said :p

I might have listened to these bands a bit to much when first getting into metal music. I try to get them some play once in awile. After hearing some german thrash and more underground thrash sometimes it's hard to put these bands on(atleast metallica).