Bands that you like but don't listen to that often

Well, I don't waste my time listening to all that unknown crap you guys do, but I suppose a lot of the really old favourites where I know almost every song by heart have gotten a lot less spinnin' time since I discovered the internet.

Cases in point:

Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Grave Digger

and so on so on

They're still better than virtually any band out there, though... :cool:

This goes for a lot of old black metal favourites, too, although my love for them were somewhat invigorated a while back.

Hehhaahahahahaha. Sorry.


Let's think....

Enslaved. Love them, but I don't play them as much anymore.
Charon. I've been sidetracked by other music.
Sentenced. I listen to them from time to time, though I really like them.
Amon Amarth. They haven't really been on my playlist lately.
Opeth. Sidetracked with other music...

I agree with the above posters that lists like these are beyond long. There is so much music out there, and I have a bad habit of listening the shit out of albums or songs.

For instance, I've been absolutely hooked on Ghost Opera by Kamelot, as well as Unia by Sonata Arctica. Same with the entire discography of these bands. The same thing also applies to Katatonia, who I have been listening to constantly lately. My bands go in rotation depending on my mood, I guess.
For some reason Iron Maiden seems to be that band for me. I listened to them a lot when I was a bit younger, but now... Not so much.

Aye, I feel the same way about that band. They are absolutely brilliant and I love them, but I don't play them as much as I used to.
I haven't listened to Darkthrone, Burzum, Immortal for quite a while...probably because a few years ago when I was getting into black metal, I mainly listened to those early Norwegian bands where as I've moved on since then.
Yes I know its your 2nd post. And I hope your joking.

Hence my haahahahahahahahahahaha's. But. Seriously.

@Panzerfaust666 - I agree about Enslaved, Gorgoroth, and Decapitated. Never was much into Goatwhore.
Goatwhore is one of the worst bands ive ever seen live. They are the whores of touring round Chicagoland. They played w/ Hatebreed,Cattle Decapitation, and forgot who else all within 2 week time span.