I hate bullshit TICKETS!!!

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Simple story:

Driving on 34 in NY. Speed limit is 55, I'm doing 50 behind some wide load motherfucker.

Cell phone? Nay, I don't talk on the cell while driving it's illegal.

Texting? Yeah that's even more retarded than talking on your cell.

Seat belt? Never drive without it.

Lights? Nope they are good.

Registration? Yep good till January.

Inspection? Yep just did that shit in August.

So what on this fine day did the cop feel was so necessary to pull me over for?

Window tints. That's fucking right my 10 year old car (that I have owned for 6) that has always had window tints are apparently to dark.

So in the 6 years of driving this pile around and the numerous cops I have passed. I get pulled by this douche for FUCKING WINDOW TINTS.

So now I have to fucking pay a bullshit fine either way (I show up to court and yeah they could throw it out, but I would still have to pay at least a $40 court fee).

Seriously FML.
Ha, so my uncle in law is a cop in another county and appatently he can send us a form to get this taken care of in 48 hours and I won't have to pay shit.

Fuck you officer Franklin you fuck.
There are laws here about how dark can your window tint be. I think it is understandable. Cops should be able to see what is going on inside cars. Otherwise, how would he know if you are on cell, texting, using seat belt, kidnapping people, smoking a joint, reloading a shotgun, receiving a BJ or whatever?
Yep here in Ohio, they will pull you over and pull out the 'tint-o-meter' (no joke) and test your windows for proper tint. Not only is it for police safety, but having a certain tint limits your ability to see well at night. So they have their reasons. But I agree, totally gay to just pull someone over for that reason. If you were speeding, I could see pulling you over for that and then adding a charge on for the tint. But that's kinda lame pulling you over JUST for that reason.
Actually, I'm fine with being pulled over for it. Obviously (and not knowing they were to dark isn't a good excuse) my windows are to dark. What I find to be a complete cunt move is to give me a traffic ticket instead of a "here, get the tints taken off and have this form signed by a mechanic that they are removed and send this in within 48 hours and there will be no charge."

That's how busted lights are done around here, I find no reason why tinted windows can't be done the same way. It's obviously something that can be corrected.

And yeah he busted out the tint o meter. :lol: