I hate grunge.

Fuck no!
l love me some Leather Wolf, Racer X, Nitro, Shotgun Messiah, Phantom Blue, Extreme, David Lee Roth etc
The Majority of 'hair metal', 'probably' sucks but fuck your tiny mind man. There is greatness in every genre.
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so can we all agree 'hair metal' sucks?
I think when grunge came out, it became fashionable to be average musicians, sing songs about depression and cringe at anyone who had big hair and was actually good at playing an instrument. In that wake of Grunge there were a lot of bands that didn't deserve to be thrown by the wayside. Kurt Cobain was shit. Kurt Cobain's song writing was trash. Really listen to "smells like teen spirit." It sounded like that he just mushed a bunch of words that rhymed together and forced it into a song. He couldn't play the guitar worth a piss and his vocals were gar-bitch. Dude sounded like he gargled on some jizz when he sang If he were alive today he would have been a has-been. He died at his height... that is the only reason why people consider him a "legend" like I said if he were alive today he would be playing concerts at Wal-Mart.
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Fuck no!
l love me some Leather Wolf, Racer X, Nitro, Shotgun Messiah, Phantom Blue, Extreme, David Lee Roth etc
The Majority of 'hair metal', 'probably' sucks but fuck your tiny mind man. There is greatness in every genre.
Shotgun messiah...there’s a blast from 4th grade...good shit!
I think when grunge came out, it became fashionable to be average musicians, sing songs about depression and cringe at anyone who had big hair and was actually good at playing an instrument. In that wake of Grunge there were a lot of bands that didn't deserve to be thrown by the wayside. Kurt Cobain was shit. Kurt Cobain's song writing was trash. Really listen to "smells like teen spirit." It sounded like that he just mushed a bunch of words that rhymed together and forced it into a song. He couldn't play the guitar worth a piss and his vocals were gar-bitch. Dude sounded like he gargled on some jizz when he sang If he were alive today he would have been a has-been. He died at his height... that is the only reason why people consider him a "legend" like I said if he were alive today he would be playing concerts at Wal-Mart.
Who are you to say what ‘average’ music is talent-wise, or decide what topics people should or shouldn’t be incorporated into music??...and your favorite bands threw themselves by the wayside with dried-up bank accounts, drug addictions/rehab and divorces/personal tailspin’s. I’m catching a hint of autism...please let us know if you have a developmental disability, I’d hate to make fun of someone who’s truly mentally handicapped...
I think when grunge came out, it became fashionable to be average musicians, sing songs about depression and cringe at anyone who had big hair and was actually good at playing an instrument.

when did 'hair metal' fans lose their sense of humor?

I would think anyone who can listen to Poison, Motley Crue, Cinderella, etc would be able to laugh at things since the music of those bands was so laughable
Who are you to say what ‘average’ music is talent-wise, or decide what topics people should or shouldn’t be incorporated into music??...and your favorite bands threw themselves by the wayside with dried-up bank accounts, drug addictions/rehab and divorces/personal tailspin’s. I’m catching a hint of autism...please let us know if you have a developmental disability, I’d hate to make fun of someone who’s truly mentally handicapped...
This was filmed in September 1991 right when Grunge was beginning to ruin the best era of rock. I seen them on this tour, Blood, Sweat, and Beers tour. Them, Firehouse, and Trixter. Definitely in my top ten shows ever. When Metal ruled! I think Nirvana was a very musically limited band. I think Nirvana is overrated in the sense that people act like they are the greatest band to have made grunge music when in my eyes Alice in Chains, Sound Garden, Stone Temple Pilots (early albums), Mother Love Bone are much better bands in terms of musical talent. They were also somewhat responsible for taking the guitar solo out of music that had been so prominent in the 70s and 80s and I hate them for that. For me their whole status is massively inflated by this (perceived by many) rebellious rock ' n roll suicide romanticism of Cobain shooting himself dead at the age of 27 after years as a heroin junkie, so it's like that whole James Dean thing (who was a lousy actor who made a few mostly pretty terrible movies that gained huge appeal after his death) and John Belushi (for me a moderately talented comedian) and Sid Vicious (who never had a single musical bone in his body) - you wonder if guys like this had lived they'd all by now be living in disgraceful middle-age, and starring on celebrity ballroom dancing reality shows?
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you wonder if guys like this had lived they'd all by now be living in disgraceful middle-age, and starring on celebrity ballroom dancing reality shows?

Ice skating is close enough right?

when did 'hair metal' fans lose their sense of humor?

I would think anyone who can listen to Poison, Motley Crue, Cinderella, etc would be able to laugh at things since the music of those bands was so laughable
I joined this forum to discuss about music. As a fan of "hair metal" , I like discussing its rise and fall. What do you want from me? Man I miss the 80s/early 90s good times and good memories. I grew up on heavy metal. love hair metal. Nirvana was shit and I held them responsible for the destruction of rock music. God damn there was some good fucking rock music in the 80s-early 90s. Rock music was butchered in 90s by media and people who were jealous of rock music's popularity. Late 80s/early 90s for me was the best years ever partying and getting fucked up and getting laid i miss them days.
I joined this forum to discuss about music. As a fan of "hair metal" , I like discussing its rise and fall. What do you want from me? Man I miss the 80s/early 90s good times and good memories. I grew up on heavy metal. love hair metal. Nirvana was shit and I held them responsible for the destruction of rock music. God damn there was some good fucking rock music in the 80s-early 90s. Rock music was butchered in 90s by media and people who were jealous of rock music's popularity. Late 80s/early 90s for me was the best years ever partying and getting fucked up and getting laid i miss them days.

I would think you'd be more into Swans rather than hair metal, considering your penchant for repetition.

What do you want from me?

I want you to punch yourself in the face

then I want you to get a library card

then join a cult

then change your name to Katy Perry

and then get MAGA tattooed on your forehead
Nation Demands More Mind-Blowing Guitar Solos



“When I turn on the radio, I want to hear a killer solo where the guy just totally shreds it hard,” said 43-year-old Kent, WA resident Nick1975, echoing the sentiments of the vast majority of citizens from coast to coast. “I want a solo so fast you can barely see the guy’s fingers moving—where the guy’s up on stage, one foot on top of a speaker, and just going nuts all over the guitar. That’s what I want.”