I hate grunge.

Nick...I gotta know what happened in high school??View attachment 14946
I wish Heavy Metal songs could be top 10 hits on the Hot 100 again played along with the pop and rap songs on radio stations. I just wish that rock/metal ruled the world again. Metal's glory years were 1980-1992. I'm a big fan of those years in Metal .'Hair Metal' was SOOO huge that top 10 Billboard charts and MTV most requested videos we're metal almost top to bottom for a few years. That's why I pick up Hair metal over Grunge. I never liked music only to be depressing, pessimist or dull. Never been a fan or existentialism in music

Of course "serious" magazines and bullshit judgements by the comitee (Rolling Stone and others) media only pick up music to depress like indie, grunge, punk, etc

Give me Kiss over Sex Pistols, give me Bon Jovi over The Cure, Def Leppard over Nirvana, Poison over Pixies, Guns n Roses over Sonic Youth, etc. For me the late 80s/early 90s were a great time to be a metal fan. I think it was a lot of fun, got our fists pumping and blood flowing...unlike grunge that came after it, with it's gloomy outlook on life. People can laugh at the haircuts, videos, outfits, lyrics and album covers and the banality of power chords but there was a reason why this stuff was popular - it had some fine hooks, riffs and great singers. How I originally got into metal was through my cousin giving me Motley Crue's "Shout at the Devil" and Metallica's Ride the Lightning when I was a youngin in 1985. Also Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet made a huge impact on me. I was deeply into it in my teens,lived the sex ,drugs and rock and roll lifestyle during those years with metal being the soundtrack of said years. You can't just listen to metal as background, like with most other music. With background music it doesn't really matter what is playing, while with metal you actually listen to it and if you like it you will keep going back to it and wanting more and more. After 1994 I found it harder to get excited about newer metal bands. I still love and listen to the older 80's and early 90's metal.
I guess you’re just fighting a losing battle...popular music video “television” is dead...grunge is dead (has been for a long time)...hair metal is dead- it was just a point in history not meant to stay forever (time isn’t supposed to stand still)...this is what I mean about you not seeming very bright...those drugs/sex/booze memoirs you cherish financially bankrupted nearly everyone in the industry and left tons of people and poor girls with STD’s from their proud cold-sore and herpes afflicted idols...THAT’S what killed your precious music. It sounds like you’re education COMPLETELY cut out in, or before high school and now you mull around in adulthood presenting your completely worthless opinions nobody with an IQ over 38 would care about. Nick, it’s time to move out of mom or dad’s, get a job and start paying your own bills- it’ll get your mind off of things only someone with zero responsibilities would be worried about. I suspect you have lots of problems in your life...I hope you get some help lol...
I guess you’re just fighting a losing battle...popular music video “television” is dead...grunge is dead (has been for a long time)...hair metal is dead- it was just a point in history not meant to stay forever (time isn’t supposed to stand still)...this is what I mean about you not seeming very bright...those drugs/sex/booze memoirs you cherish financially bankrupted nearly everyone in the industry and left tons of people and poor girls with STD’s from their proud cold-sore and herpes afflicted idols...THAT’S what killed your precious music. It sounds like you’re education COMPLETELY cut out in, or before high school and now you mull around in adulthood presenting your completely worthless opinions nobody with an IQ over 38 would care about. Nick, it’s time to move out of mom or dad’s, get a job and start paying your own bills- it’ll get your mind off of things only someone with zero responsibilities would be worried about. I suspect you have lots of problems in your life...I hope you get some help lol...
My wife and I have been married for 17 years and have a 16year old son!
hair metal is the most fucking posturing music has ever had to deal with

it was a bunch of pop artists who couldn't admit they were writing/playing pop music because it wouldn't be 'metal'

fuck that, if you're going to play pop music then do it

fucking embrace the bop

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...and your worried about hair metal being “cool” or not...?? :lol:...weird...
One of my son's 16 year old friends was over recently and I was playing some Megadeth "Rust in Peace" album . My son said her comment was "who's listening to that crap music?" My son loves Arcade Fire, Imagine Dragons and Rah Rah . But he also says he is a Metalhead simply because of all the time he's listened to Heavy Metal while growing up with me. His favorite metal song is "Shake me" Cinderella.
Give me Kiss over Sex Pistols, give me Bon Jovi over The Cure, Def Leppard over Nirvana, Poison over Pixies, Guns n Roses over Sonic Youth,


I originally got into metal was through my cousin giving me Motley Crue's "Shout at the Devil"

You can't just listen to metal as background, like with most other music.

it seems like you only have two types of Metal, Hair and Extreme

theres a ton of different styles, and some are great back ground music

After 1994 I found it harder to get excited about newer metal bands. I still love and listen to the older 80's and early 90's metal.

do you actually go look for new bands? from 94 to today an unbelievable amount of great Metal has come out

just because you havent found it doesnt mean it doesnt exist
One of my son's 16 year old friends was over recently and I was playing some Megadeth "Rust in Peace" album . My son said her comment was "who's listening to that crap music?" My son loves Arcade Fire, Imagine Dragons and Rah Rah . But he also says he is a Metalhead simply because of all the time he's listened to Heavy Metal while growing up with me. His favorite metal song is "Shake me" Cinderella.
I bet it isn’t. Maybe he told you it was when he was three years old. You’re most likely over-sentimentalising as you do with everything else in your life.
One of my son's 16 year old friends was over recently and I was playing some Megadeth "Rust in Peace" album . My son said her comment was "who's listening to that crap music?" My son loves Arcade Fire, Imagine Dragons and Rah Rah . But he also says he is a Metalhead simply because of all the time he's listened to Heavy Metal while growing up with me. His favorite metal song is "Shake me" Cinderella.
That paragraph makes zero sense...
That paragraph makes zero sense.
I would imagine most of us on here are music obsessed with music, has this rubbed of on your kids and if so do they like anything you do or is music just a small part of the distraction industry wrapped up in iphones and ipads.
What music are your kids into? I would imagine most of us on here are obsessed with music, has this rubbed of on your kids and if so do they like anything you do or is music just a small part of the distraction industry wrapped up in iphones and ipads.
“Music obsessed with music”... ?...mmmkay...what does your kid only being a metalhead by default have anything to do with this??...:unsure:
“Music obsessed with music”... ?...mmmkay...what does your kid only being a metalhead by default have anything to do with this??...:unsure:
My son says that most of his friends are more into YouTube videos than music, and that seems to be what most of teenagers are into in general if I go by my friends and coworkers kids. They don’t like rock and metal, that’s for certain. Most kids just like whatever the media force feeds them unfortunately. It astounds me the amount of kids that want to be "Youtubers" or "Famous Youtubers".