I hate grunge.

which person's the autistic, which person's the retard and which person's the moron??

oh, wait, the answers prolly don't really matter
I love Blurry_Dreams and, should he so desire it, I hope he discovers immortality and stays on this forum to entertain us forever
i'll prolly be here for as long as i live
but i'm not so sure about the living forever thing
think eventually i'll get bored with being alive tbh
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Grunge saved metal by killing off hair metal cancer and letting the genre regrow properly. Riffs replaced tight pants and hairspray and all was right in the world again.

I know I keep repeating it but this thread is about kicking a dead horse any way.
Kurt Cobain was a construct of the music industry driven by MTV. He had very little real talent. His song writing was adolescent, his composition was nonexistent . He had a terrible singing voice and obviously made no effort to seek coaching and improve it. He was a passable guitarist and perhaps could’ve been better had his composing been more imaginative/ creative .
Seems like you're a bit envious there bud.
Cobain had a talent, and that was fucking with kids like you ;)

I'll agree that Nirvana doesn't have a lot of technical know-how in their music, but it was certainly effective. And there is undeniable talent in a handful of their material (In Utero almost entirely.)
Kurt Cobain was a construct of the music industry driven by MTV. He had very little real talent. His song writing was adolescent, his composition was nonexistent . He had a terrible singing voice and obviously made no effort to seek coaching and improve it.
@Nick1975 if you're really that abhorrent of grunge and LOVE glam/cock rock, have you even checked out Mother Love Bone? They are possibly more glam than the Sunset Strip(tease) and were considered Grunge.

I just think you are butthurt about Kurt Cobain alone. I'm sorry you can't enjoy nice things.
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Kurt Cobain was a construct of the music industry driven by MTV. He had very little real talent. His song writing was adolescent, his composition was nonexistent . He had a terrible singing voice and obviously made no effort to seek coaching and improve it. He was a passable guitarist and perhaps could’ve been better had his composing been more imaginative/ creative .
Literally none of this makes sense. Nirvana already had two albums out by the time the mainstream music media noticed them, and their third album, In Utero, was specifically crafted in a way that it would be as abrasive as possible & avoid being a generic radio-friendly pop-rock record. The whole Nirvana-mania of the early 90's mostly came of the back of "Smells Like teen Spirit", a song which Kurt & the band loathed for its popularity, so much so that they eventually stopped playing it live, and when they did they'd intentionally butcher it, as kind of a big fuck you to MTV.

And Kurt was a great singer, not on the same level as the best of the best, but just listen to him belt out "Where did you sleep last night" (the unplugged version). Very emotional to say the least.

Nirvana were, & will forever be, more anti-mainstream than the glam bands of the 80's.