I hate grunge.

It goes like this:

1) spending time in the woodshed
2) eccentric hair style and clothes on MTV
3) fucking a lot of dumb chicks

If this succession isn't followed then music is completely ruined.

And somehow it's Kurt Cobain's fault.
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I’m still not convinced Nick isn’t a bot of some sort, or someone with a hell of a lot of time on their hands, cutting and pasting slabs of text that they find in obscure hair metal worshipping dark corners of the internet. He just doesn’t engage at all. Most replies don’t address the points raised or even attempt to form any sort of coherent rebuttal. He said a couple of pages ago that he hates the term “hair metal” when he’s been using it since page 1.
I’m still not convinced Nick isn’t a bot of some sort, or someone with a hell of a lot of time on their hands, cutting and pasting slabs of text that they find in obscure hair metal worshipping dark corners of the internet. He just doesn’t engage at all. Most replies don’t address the points raised or even attempt to form any sort of coherent rebuttal. He said a couple of pages ago that he hates the term “hair metal” when he’s been using it since page 1.
I engage. What do you want? I use hair metal, but i hate that term?
I’m still not convinced Nick isn’t a bot of some sort, or someone with a hell of a lot of time on their hands, cutting and pasting slabs of text that they find in obscure hair metal worshipping dark corners of the internet. He just doesn’t engage at all. Most replies don’t address the points raised or even attempt to form any sort of coherent rebuttal. He said a couple of pages ago that he hates the term “hair metal” when he’s been using it since page 1.
Don't assume i am a bot just because you disagree with me.
No. I am not paranoid. In my opinion Kurt Cobain is responsible for the downfall of music of today.

From all styles, singers and bands that dumbed down popular music and got successful (like hip hop, boy band/girl pop, Metallica, Anthrax, Metalcore/Nu metal, Nickelback, etc), somehow Nirvana is the one who made the gravest damage to what people willingly chose to like?
From all styles, singers and bands that dumbed down popular music and got successful (like hip hop, boy band/girl pop, Metallica, Anthrax, Metalcore/Nu metal, Nickelback, etc), somehow Nirvana is the one who made the gravest damage to what people willingly chose to like?
It’s hard for me not to see Nirvana as the band that killed rock & roll and heavy metal stone dead. Nirvana's success made irritating riffs and boring personal confessions de rigueur. When Nirvana came along, they broke everything and the pieces are never going to be put together again. People on this forum might still keep killing it on the underground circuit and that might be better, but since Nirvana, heavy metal has exited mainstream consciousness.
It’s hard for me not to see Nirvana as the band that killed rock & roll and heavy metal stone dead. Nirvana's success made irritating riffs and boring personal confessions de rigueur. When Nirvana came along, they broke everything and the pieces are never going to be put together again. People on this forum might still keep killing it on the underground circuit and that might be better, but since Nirvana, heavy metal has exited mainstream consciousness.

From that I remember at the time:

Glam metal/rock was reaching the pinnacle of success.
Thrash and other heavy metal bands were already in decline and many bands decided to jump into the glam bandwagon to save their careers.
Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest lost their singers. The former was a soap opera and sucked balls (around the time Dio left again) and the latter ones released their worst albums in their career with totally new singers.
Hip Hop exploded and took a huge portion of the market.
Techno pop was on the rise, up to reaching its pinnacle on early 90's.
The Smiths broke up and a myriad or imitators were born. Morrissey's solo career helped to keep the indie "manchester" sound alive, being Oasis the most infamous imitators, a massively successful piece of crap that spawned even more "delicate" rock outfits.
The biggest hard rock/metal band at the time, besides Metallica was Guns n' Roses, also going in a far more commercial route. It was also the last "big" arena rock band.
Metal fanbase changed, as death and black metal arose and many metalheads turned into those styles.
Nu metal was born.

I'm sure that Nirvana's influence couldn't be bigger than all these things.
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I’m still not convinced Nick isn’t a bot of some sort, or someone with a hell of a lot of time on their hands, cutting and pasting slabs of text that they find in obscure hair metal worshipping dark corners of the internet. He just doesn’t engage at all. Most replies don’t address the points raised or even attempt to form any sort of coherent rebuttal. He said a couple of pages ago that he hates the term “hair metal” when he’s been using it since page 1.
You couldn't possibly understand someones else's point of view. Could you. You are just a pathetic Kurt Cobain fanboy.
It goes like this:

1) spending time in the woodshed
2) eccentric hair style and clothes on MTV
3) fucking a lot of dumb chicks

If this succession isn't followed then music is completely ruined.

And somehow it's Kurt Cobain's fault.
When grunge came in, rather than it being more about the music, it became even more about "the look". Musicianship and musicality went totally down the toilet.
All I've seen you do is complain about Nirvana and not other grunge acts? You complain about "the look" when 80% of glam metal was "the look"

Grunge isn't even a fucking thing. It was a marketed term by the media and MTV so a bunch of Seattle punk rock bands could be labeled, when they didn't even WANT TO.

Wanna talk musicianship? Soundgarden has about as much technicality and songwriting as legendary bands like Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. Experimented with all different kinds of tunings and successfully made them work.

Alice in Chains STARTED as a glam/cock rock band but evolved into a more Sabbathian influenced heavy metal band with blues and country moments.

Don't blame one band/guy about an entire scene. Blame your beloved MTV for that.