"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Originally posted by Miolo
according to hyena's post you left from Rome at 8.00 am... you pushed your car to the limits, didn't you? :p

well, seven hours and a half with a 20' stop is not that fast... actually i've bumped into a couple of jams too. i did about 140km/h when the road was clear. :)

@Miolo: kali synexeia = good luck with the rest of whatever you do (or smt like that....)
@Miolo: actually "synexeia" would be smt like "continuation" in english, but dunno the exact meaning of that word. :p
i am caught in a paradox. politeness compels me to welcome everlost, sunjammer and rahvin back. but how can i be welcoming back someone who left my home this morning and went back somewhere else?
errr... how to start this... ok, hi everyone. it's me... back after nearly a year gone...

-red_beef... (feel totally wasted today...)
Welcome back, red_beef. I expect so many things to tell us about that year "abroad", incredible adventures, passions and naked girls. Make us know.

|ng (Always expecting naked girls, but they're quite well hidden...)
nothing intresting to tell you guys about my nearly a year aboard... except now i got the chance to visit nearly every part of this world... kinda.