"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

The best choice is whatever will give you a job you enjoy... several years of hard work in school will pay off for the rest of oyur life.. but I odn't really know what to say...
yeah, especially since my good days in school are long gone by now. i shouldn't really be learning anything, i should be _doing_ something.
and stuff i learned in school never paid off in any way i could notice.
Maybe it's time to do something that doesn't require education...

You seem to be an exellent photographer... that would at least be something to try, and it could pay well and be a good career
well, it's not that i didn't do anything during these years... i am a certified software developer, and i only got out of the job because i felt i could try something more interesting. maybe i shouldn't have done that at all... but ok, i tried, i failed, maybe it's really time to get back into the old job.
something out of the blue, like photography, would surely be nice and interesting, but a) you need a good, timeconsuming education for that as well, and b) that would not make much sense regarding the path i already took. programmer->bioinformatics->photography?
Going back to programming would be good, but if you don't like it then you probably shouldn't
I'm not sure what bioinformatics is/are...
Maybe a programmer with a 9-5 Desk job could be a temporary solution. If nothign else, playing in a band could get you dsome money, and if you have no job, playing a lot would cover living expenses...
the usual around here, i don't think anything has changed. what have you been up to?
kisses to canada too :oops:
Ugh! Me back!

Long story short: My harddisk crashed and I couldn't get online for a couple of weeks. Anyways, I'm back now, and hopefully will be here somewhat permanently for quite some time. I'll start by reading most of the stuff I've missed meanwhile and then I'll do something about the Survivor - it's long overdue, I know.

And damn, it feels good to be here again! :)
