"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

mousewings, oh, thank you, dear. ;) Say, are you sure that he's a hottie, huh? :rolleyes:

Wolfman For Jones, :wave:

Thanatos, bitter one, I think that I'm mentally sick already, but thanks for the advise, anyway. ;)

Tebus, dear, glad to see you here. :wave:

MagSec4, I'll be doing even better if I receive a reply for my e-mail from you... :rolleyes: Did you get it? A short one.

Wanderingblade, welcome back. :wave:
I was absent for a while, due to certain difficulties finding a roof over my head. :erk: Anyways, I'm safely back at my parents' home and will partake on all the interesting forum-activities as often as my busy schedule and this ancient modem-connection allow me from now on.
