"I have returned from a long abscence!" <----You? Post HERE!

Oh, and btw, tell us what happened, or tell us which thread you've already said that in, or tell me in private. ;)
@Siren: Thank you. And thank you. :p Haven't told anyone in any thread, buuuut I guess I could post it somewhere. :D

@mousewings: Aye, 'tis a rotten task, but someone has to carry that title around. :p Thanks for welcoming me back. :)
i'm back, after a long absence during which most of you have seen more of me than many of you would have often hoped for. and as you can see from the previous sentence, i'm not feeling that great. ;)

i'll be reading the board thoroughly, and posting my opinions about tuska during the next couple of days. as far as i see there was precious little activity aside from the festival-related commentaries, but i seem to gather at some point during the past month or so someone or other must have won some sport competition, someone or other must have failed to find love, someone or other measured their attractiveness on teh internet - a paradox if i ever saw one. good guys, keep going!
Hey all, this is good ol' Addicted To Death. I've been gone for quite a while, but now i'm back and wondering how everyone's doing. Rahvin, Mousewings, Hearse, and especially Nick. Nick you bastard, email me!!!!!! Or PM. :tickled:

what's worse, he didn't even come to helsinki for the tuska festival. can you believe it? a mere thousand dollars trip to europe and back, to meet some of his best friends in life, and he turns it down. what a fantastic jerk! :p
not that I ever really left, and not that I am technically 'home' yet, I am back in Oz and that's good enough for me. ^_^

howdy all :wave:
I can't say that I was absent for too long . Anyway I have some free time now because my holiday finally started! :) And I really hope to see some people from the forum this August.
I was out on a hill, hundreds of kilometres from anywhere, making expensive electronic equipment work so that expensive jets could see where they were going :p
I also got to sleep under an unadultered night sky a few times...was too hard to sleep with such a skyscape above. I got to read a book and a bit, run on long, straight roads and see lots and lot of trees :loco: