I met rahvin last night

That's to be expected that rahvin is cool. :)

@rahv: enjoy your stay in Finlandia...

Ergh, I'm jealous.. I wanna visit the land of hott guys.
ouagadougou said:
damn stupid expensive trains

Yeah, you can't even imagine how expensive is a ticket to get from Spain to Finland these days. Damned euro...

@Micky: Yeah, enjoy, we expect a review.

@Lolita: Er... nothing, really.

how cool. i wish i could meet rahvin in person too! he sounds like an interesting guy.
hehehehe. i was just wondering if someone would fall for it.

still, i haven't seen him in about one month, if this can help you all. :p
Oooh, Rahvin is popular with the ladies.

I wanna be a forum moderator too! :p
..I met rahvin last night too :'/

he.. he tried to manhandle me :cry:

and I said 'no' but he kept telling me he wouldn't give me back my passport and would make sure I wouldn't be in Tuska this year if I told anybody.
..he talked of sweets and spoke Italian in my ear

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :tickled: :tickled:

That's definitely how a trip to Europe would wind up for me. And no, I don't know what part of it would happen, lol.

The funniest was Amsterdam... cause I was sitting there, and watching him get chained up, and I thought... at least theres no Dutch peoples here... then I froze...

I shall now run away from Waz. :loco:

rahvin is most certainly not an interesting guy. he was drunk and weird the night most of you finns (and non-finns in the case of fireangel) met him, and as entertaining as a boulder. he's been brought to see this thread twice before, on monday and tuesday night, and shook his head silently at how you people can at the same time be kind and mistaken.

@loli: thanks for this, you're nice too and i'm sorry we haven't had time to talk a little more. next time, i'm sure.

@ulla: i didn't even get where you live exactly... anyways, i don't remember much of the show, and it seems everywhere i go i'm taken to see katatonia while i don't really care much for the band. i'd trade half of my kat-shows for living in your area (no, sorry, that wasn't flirting :p)

@lina: there will come a time for me to hit the states too, do not despair. besides, you'll find me boring.

@mousie: didn't see many hot guys there to be honest. oh, but what am i saying? :rolleyes: ;)

@|ng: get a ticket to italy instead, it will serve you well.

@hyena: yeah, yeah, we should be together too and stuff. actually i think we should start shooting on strangers. not that that would make us more interesting.

@arch: if you define popularity by people knowing your name, i am popular. if you define popularity by being loved and cared for, i'm still waiting in line. my number is 1 billion and some. ;)

@fireangel: :wave: wub u. :p

@magseg4: you were so coming on to me, you filthy liar!
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fireangel said:
what´s that? :p
it's stupid nerd-ish ironic language for pronunciation-related "love you". but never believe me when i say things like that. :p

and yes, rahvin was little weird the day :) But I assumed some confusion, and that can happen to all of us. At least to me :cry:
what some call confusion i call falling from grace. :lol: no, actually it was mostly having got drunk over dinner despite my half-hearted attempts not to. once in the club i merely wanted my teddy, eternal love, a job in finland, and conquering the world. i can't really remember if i communicated to you any of these urges, but i've been told later by someone more sober than i was that ormir tried to kiss me and failed, thus making me miss my one shot at eternal love, if not exactly a job in finland. i'm so sorry. :cry: next time i'll make sure he manages to get to me.
fireangel said:
would be quite fast you do after knowing me for five minutes :)
rule #1: never accidentally, unconsciously diss your own potential. the correct reply would have been: everyone simply falls in love with me after five minutes from meeting me!