Rahvin Totally Rules!

but no. he meant PEOPLE WHO RESEMBLE ME WITH THIS GUN, a bit like "all hands on deck".

hyena (i wanna bu anarchy)
once upon a time there was a main verb for every sentence... :cry:

Alfred (nostalgic)

Edit: and saying "It usually is 'will be executed' " is not accepted as a reply :p:p
@hyena; @alfred: stop quarrelling, i meant both because the source of this quote meant both and i am often too unimaginative to think of personal, original solutions. :p

@wildfyr: that's what i was asking myself at the start. now i just wear a dumb smile and go with the flow. ;)

rahvin. (and god said: let beer be light)
when eddie said he didn't like his teddy
you knew he was a no good kid... :)

as for rahvin, he's along the lines of a dwarven hero from LOTR, only thinner and with very little beard.

hyena (going bubu)
Originally posted by LadyCal
A dwarven hero?hmm...I remember one - guess he was called Karotte - god excuse me if I'm wrong ;)

unfortunately hyena is not such an absiduous terry pratchett reader... :cry: most jokes are lost on her. :waah:

rahvin. (bu in myself, bu in tomorrow)
Originally posted by phyre
Hooray! Let's start a rahvin fanclub?

(Hi all fist of all, sorry for the looong silence, lotsa things happened --unpleasant though, but life goes on:)-- nice to read ye again, never forgot any of you: I still owe you tons of emails, Ville...)

Let's start a rahve fanclub?
The italian fanclub already exist, "The Rahvin Prophets", join and win a trip to Turin to meet your idol and spend a night with him.
No matter if you're F gender OR NOT. :D

When the international fan club will be online, I'll join it, too.

Join the rahve and see the world.

gods of war! so finally atlantis is on here! although i only have spoken to her once, let me express my happiness.

hyena (in 5)
Thanks.... I'm starting to cry...so..so moving.....

cheers, flowers, kisses to everybody

oh-oh-oh...hyena from Turin, I think I know who you are: so that pleased to meet you here:)