I need a new food product to become addicted to.

There is ONE way to lose weight and get slim and shit: ENERGY OUTPUT must exceed ENERGY INTAKE. PERIOD.
this is true but it's a useless way to think for several reasons, the simplest of which i will outline below:

let's say for simplicity's sake you eat two meals with an equal amount of calories

one is 1000 kcal of fat
one is 1000 kcal of sugar and wheat flour

you eat the fat, nothing happens to your blood sugar, so your body retains the "i'm full" signal for longer. the meal's size is also half of the below in actual mass.

you eat the carbs, your blood sugar spikes, then crashes when all the insulin kicks in. this means you're hungry again, and you're going to eat more. ever wonder how the hell people can drink literally 5 liters of soda a day? this is how. they ingest an enormous amount of calories but the body is all like "MORE MORE MORE MORE". we were not made to eat sugar. (and remember: pasta, rice, bread etc is literally JUST SUGAR)

so losing weight is NOT about burning the calories you eat, because no one exercises enough to burn that. no one. it is about regulating your insulin and eating foods that ensure that you're NOT STORING FAT to begin with. if you're not storing fat, you're gonna be burning fat, because the body really likes fat as an energy source (remember, twice as much energy per gram)

FUN FACT that i will reiterate: the one and only reason your body decides to store dietary fat as body fat is insulin. when you eat foods that provoke an insulin response, you're going to get fat beacuse the body stores the fat you eat. conversely, if you eat foods that does not provoke an insulin response (i.e. no carbs) then you will not ever get fat no matter how you try. if you sit around eating butter and lard all day in your couch, you will feel like shit but you WILL NOT GET FAT. absolutely no way. you will, however, have some very buttery encounters with your toilet

this is why the VERY WORST foods are the ones that have both fast, easy carbs and low-quality fat: french fries, donuts, etc. i.e. american food

so no, calories in/out is a myth and while it is true that the basic physics work that way, it is not a useful way to think AT ALL and your "PERIOD." is a bit definitive for something that does not work
I'm gonna throw the ol' ephemeral "genetic" component in on Erik and Mike's excellent thoughts. What you guys are saying is great but genetics complicates everything dramatically. You can't just sum up dietetics and insulin production in a single post on a metal forum. There's an entire degree field for dietitians...not to mention the MD field of endocrinology which is like 232312321213 years of education
I'm gonna throw the ol' ephemeral "genetic" component in on Erik and Mike's excellent thoughts. What you guys are saying is great but genetics complicates everything dramatically. You can't just sum up dietetics and insulin production in a single post on a metal forum. There's an entire degree field for dietitians...not to mention the MD field of endocrinology which is like 232312321213 years of education

"genetics" do not explain anything. people just blurt out that shit as a get out of jail free card for fat people who cannot take responsibility for their own actions and fathom that we have been eating wrong for the last 25-30 years.

if you can't live without your potato chips then it's pretty comforting that certain factions of doctors and dieticians (largely supported by really shady studies paid for by corporations peddling sugar and starch or medicine for diabetes/blood pressure/cholesterol) offer "genetics" as a little teddy bear you can snuggle up to and say "OH AT LEAST IT'S NOT MY FAULT *STUFFS MOUTH FULL OF DONUTS AND 99 CENT CHEESEBURGERS*"

NO. people's "GENETICS" did not change in the last 30 years. that is not how evolution works. you did not even stop exercising. your diets changed, and now you are fat.

genetics is just not a valid factor in why obesity rates in the western world have gone up DRAMATICALLY since we started eating low-fat diets. genetics do not explain why suddenly everyone has diabetes and heart disease. IT'S THE FOOD. you're eating the wrong food. everyone's eating the wrong food.

check out this shit (not the entire presentation, just the part at around 06:40 where he brings up the USA obesity map) and try to explain it away with "GeNeTiCs".

it's a total cop-out. while our metabolic systems differ slightly in function from person to person, there is no one who is designed to live on sugar and starch, like the average american does today (and the rest of the western world to a lesser extent)

it's one of those things that is so simple that folks just don't believe it can be true.
In America I was overweight except at the times I counted calories or was working out like a motherfucker. It was a rollercoaster.

These days I don't really watch what I eat nor do I have time to exercise much. But I've lost weight since being here and have kept it off. No more rollercoaster for me. I eat plenty of carbs (days I don't each a shitload of noodles or rice are RARE) and fat too (they love fried food here these days and getting lean cuts of meat here is IMPOSSIBLE). Hell, I even drink more here than I did back in America.

Hmmmmm......Go figure. *shrug*
japan and the rest of asia (look at this generalization right here) is interesting because they do indeed eat a lot of carb-based things (rice, noodles) and still are not generally fat (although obesity is rising there too, according to statistics, as they adopt a more westernized diet)

lots of carbs from starchy vegetables or even from boiled rice is OK for most people until you start combining it with fat, and the key i think is that asian food generally doesn't.

you say that you can't get lean cuts of meat but that has to be a recent development. in TRADITIONAL japanese food there's not a lot of fat, correct? so when you eat unrefined carbs (that metabolize slower than i.e. wheat flour/table sugar and thus ramp up blood glucose in a less dramatic way) and not a lot of fat, there's not a lot of dietary fat to store, and insulin levels do not spike because the carbs are slower. i wouldn't want to live on that diet because it's still liable to turn into a blood glucose roller coaster for some, but it's clearly possible to do pretty well on it.

EDIT: this is similar to many vegetarian/vegan diets, which tend to be low-fat too. unfortunately, i think oftentimes, while food like that may not make you fat, it's liable to make folks tired, listless, give them headaches, etc.
for the record, i'm not fat and don't need to lose weight (fast metabolism, although i'm 26 now and it's getting appreciably slower,) but even so i still lost 7 kg (15 lbs) in a month when i ate low-carb. OH WELL

no, it's not the weight for me. the thing for me is i'm pretty sensitive to blood sugar crashes and often felt in the past like i totally ran out of energy and just wanted to sleep after meals, when i came home from work etc. this was due to blood sugar curves looking like this: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\. that disappeared. now they looked like ----------- and i felt fucking awesome. LET ME TELL YOU. fucking awesome. if you ever feel hungry or tired during the days, that is going to go away when you stop eating sugar and flour.

also, i don't particularly want diabetes or heart disease.
so no, calories in/out is a myth and while it is true that the basic physics work that way, it is not a useful way to think AT ALL and your "PERIOD." is a bit definitive for something that does not work
You're talking about calory control nigga. Eat right and the energy in/out part pretty much takes care of itself, that's what you're saying eh? Not that it really works in some other magical lchf way and old school maths are zionist lies. Energy in/out is FACT. That's why I can use capitals and periods a lot.

i'm pretty sensitive to blood sugar crashes and often felt in the past like i totally ran out of energy and just wanted to sleep after meals, when i came home from work etc. this was due to blood sugar curves looking like this: ////////.
Described above is me. And I do love potato chips and french fries and stuff. Should do shit about it but can't be arsed, I eat decently imo so it's OK.

EDIT: And ALSO, GI should work just as well as LCHF when it comes to the glucose intake insuline deathspikes stuff.

ALSO ALSO: did you notice that I won me another interweb competition today? Boo fuckin ya.
I love how Erik just starts to go on a hellbent tangent about lazy, excuse-ridden "americans" when dorian wasn't even directly referring to that demographic. He got caught up in a blind, ketone induced fury.
I've been addicted to this lately:

French Baguette or Italian Loaf
Rare Roast Beef deli meat
pepper jack cheese

First you sautee the onions. Then you heat up the roast beef in that same frying pang after taking out the onions. Mix mayo and Sriracha together and put it on both sides of the bread. Layer with beef, onion, then cheese. Then put the bread onto the george forman or whatever to grill it.
Peanut butter. About a year ago I started taking peanut butter sandwiches to school every day for lunch (cheap, doesn't need to be cold, quick to make), and a couple weeks into it I HATED peanut butter. Then it was like I got over a hump, and I've been a peanut butter fiend ever since. Usually have it at breakfast and lunch, and also some other point in the day as a snack. Heck yeah peanut butter.
this is true but it's a useless way to think for several reasons, the simplest of which i will outline below:

let's say for simplicity's sake you eat two meals with an equal amount of calories

one is 1000 kcal of fat
one is 1000 kcal of sugar and wheat flour

you eat the fat, nothing happens to your blood sugar, so your body retains the "i'm full" signal for longer. the meal's size is also half of the below in actual mass.

you eat the carbs, your blood sugar spikes, then crashes when all the insulin kicks in. this means you're hungry again, and you're going to eat more. ever wonder how the hell people can drink literally 5 liters of soda a day? this is how. they ingest an enormous amount of calories but the body is all like "MORE MORE MORE MORE". we were not made to eat sugar. (and remember: pasta, rice, bread etc is literally JUST SUGAR)

so losing weight is NOT about burning the calories you eat, because no one exercises enough to burn that. no one. it is about regulating your insulin and eating foods that ensure that you're NOT STORING FAT to begin with. if you're not storing fat, you're gonna be burning fat, because the body really likes fat as an energy source (remember, twice as much energy per gram)

FUN FACT that i will reiterate: the one and only reason your body decides to store dietary fat as body fat is insulin. when you eat foods that provoke an insulin response, you're going to get fat beacuse the body stores the fat you eat. conversely, if you eat foods that does not provoke an insulin response (i.e. no carbs) then you will not ever get fat no matter how you try. if you sit around eating butter and lard all day in your couch, you will feel like shit but you WILL NOT GET FAT. absolutely no way. you will, however, have some very buttery encounters with your toilet

this is why the VERY WORST foods are the ones that have both fast, easy carbs and low-quality fat: french fries, donuts, etc. i.e. american food

so no, calories in/out is a myth and while it is true that the basic physics work that way, it is not a useful way to think AT ALL and your "PERIOD." is a bit definitive for something that does not work

Uh source?