I need a new food product to become addicted to.

almonds are pretty great, around 50% fat by weight, that's like 75% of the energy.

max i will tell you how to lose weight: dont eat carbs. there it is, now you can choose to do it or not do it but there it is. drop all starch and sugar and do it consistently, and you're gonna look pretty svelte after a while

shame that you won't probably be able to do that on a vegan diet unless you eat coconut oil by the bowlful

good and true advice, but my diet is a low/fat-free plant-based diet so i'm not worried about carbs. i will occasionally have finnish ruis bread (which is a dense rye bread that is actually excellent for your health) or whole wheat pasta. we are eating lots of sweet potatoes and beans, things like that. there's this neat stuff called TVP (textured vegetable protein) which sounds really gross, but is very cool. no fat, very low carb, and FULL of protein. it looks like bread crumbs but its like a dried, crunchy tofu sort of thing. i made a ground beef substitute for some tacos and i fucking tricked a couple of my friends (one of which is a sous chef at a good restaurant). it reconstitutes into a texture exactly like ground beef, and you can flavor it in any way.

i was totally surprised by how good the meal was. tonight, i am going to make a shepherd's pie with the TVP. if you're a legitimate addict like me, and you have become addicted to food, eating stuff like this isn't difficult. as long as you can eat lots of tasty foodstuffs, it doesn't really matter what it is. its crazy to fill myself up on delicious tacos and know that i have probably consumed about 5 grams of fat. the carbs add up, but you just can't over-do it.

i am a farmer, and eating quality meat and cheese has become a part of my soul. i would punch someone in the face if they told me that i'd be eating a vegan diet at age 23. whatever, at least i can drink beer. just trying to make my body feel better in an all-around sort of way.

and that is the longest post i have made on RC in years, most likely.
good and true advice, but my diet is a low/fat-free plant-based diet so i'm not worried about carbs. i will occasionally have finnish ruis bread (which is a dense rye bread that is actually excellent for your health) or whole wheat pasta. we are eating lots of sweet potatoes and beans, things like that.
pretty much 100% of the energy from starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes is from carbs. beans are better though.

if you eat a low-fat diet the lion's share of your energy is going to come from carbs. there's no way around it. protein is a comparatively small part of anyone's diet, even folks that eat meat all day long.

and living on carbs is going to mean you're either going to get fat or you're going to starve yourself and feel like crap. granted, potatoes are better than processed white flour and sugar but you're still producing way too much insulin and therefore, whatever little fat you eat is going to be stored in your body.

its crazy to fill myself up on delicious tacos and know that i have probably consumed about 5 grams of fat. the carbs add up, but you just can't over-do it.
you can overdo it if you're talking about weight and/or health. corn meal (and/or wheat flour) is horrible, terrible, fattening food. :(

i am a farmer, and eating quality meat and cheese has become a part of my soul. i would punch someone in the face if they told me that i'd be eating a vegan diet at age 23. whatever, at least i can drink beer. just trying to make my body feel better in an all-around sort of way.
i appreciate that but i think you're doing it wrong.

vegan diets are just very bad from a health standpoint. eating vegetables is good because they provide vitamins and minerals that we need but they cannot be the foundation of a healthy diet because they do not contain any energy. vegetables are 95% water, and the ones that aren't water are starch.

starch metabolizes to glucose. all starch is sugar that goes directly into your bloodstream. that means your blood glucose goes up, you produce insulin to combat it, and insulin is a hormone that regulates fat storage. whenever you eat carbohydrates (pure glucose) you're going to be storing fat instead of burning it.

meat and cheese is the best. it's exactly the type of stuff our bodies were designed to consume. fat contains twice as much energy per gram compared to carbohydrates or protein, and doesn't raise your blood sugar. so you get full quicker, stay full for longer, you don't get tired due to blood sugar crashes, and do not store any fat in your body.

LITTLE KNOWN (BUT MORE KNOWN RECENTLY) FACT: if you eat a diet based on only fat and protein, NONE of the fat you consume is going to be stored in your body. you're going to be burning it, and when your body is through with it, it's going to be burning body fat. eating fat does not make you fat. eating fat TOGETHER WITH carbs makes you fat, because it releases insulin, which instructs the body to store fat.

so that's my big ol science lesson for today, take care and stay rockin'

EDIT: to make myself more clear i think it's possible to eat healthy vegan food, but be prepared to eat A LOT of soybean, avocado and coconut.
There is ONE way to lose weight and get slim and shit: ENERGY OUTPUT must exceed ENERGY INTAKE. PERIOD.

There's a gazillion ways described/made up by a megazillion experts, and LOTS of them work. The trouble is that a lot of people have difficulties turning diets into habits.

For Good Health and Well-Being, a good lifestyle is needed, not just a good diet.

I largely use the term 'diet' as 'eating stuff to lose weight' and not as 'the stuff you eat PERIOD' because that's how it's generally used in these circumstances.

The SIMPLEST method for weight loss is to eat less and exercise more.
if you eat a diet based on only fat and protein, NONE of the fat you consume is going to be stored in your body.
Not necessarily true, depends on how much energy you consume and how much you use. The point of this is, correct me if I am wrong, that you feel full sooner and for a longer time -> you don't eat as much.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you are both bigtime ectomorphs and are able to, within reason, eat anything and everything you want without weight ever being an issue.

Oh, and it's a combination of both of what you lads are saying, btw. And even then, there are so many factors that can potentially come into play that you cannot pin it down to one concrete methodology. So, in general, yeah.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you are both bigtime ectomorphs and are able to, within reason, eat anything and everything you want without weight ever being an issue.

The three body type descriptions could be modulated by body composition, which can be altered by specific diets and training techniques. In a famine, a person who was once considered an endomorph may begin to instead resemble an ectomorph, while an athletic mesomorph may begin to look more like an endomorph as he ages and loses muscle mass.[citation needed]

However, some aspects of the somatotype cannot be changed: muscle and adipose mass may change but the bone structure is a fixed characteristic. In the same way, cultural conditions might mask a tendency to one or another temperament.[citation needed]

wait till you hit 30
probably also true but that's a bunch of years away :p And I realistically think that I'll change my LIFESTYLE when it comes to food and exercise accordingly, but that's a bunch of years away so who knows
wait till you hit 30

This has less to do with age, and more about being married with kids, and not giving a fuck anymore. Posting inbetween sets as we speak, just pushed near 300lbs without much trouble. My fat ass co-worker's favorite saying is "wait till you hit 30 and all your bones begin to ache." That's true if you give ass fuck about your health. As for dieting, men don't diet, they train. I'm currently on a burrito diet, havent gained a pound in years, simply work out most days of the week. Energy output > Caloric intake as was stated above. Far better shape than I was when I was 25. Looking back at those old HC pics make me want to cry. That's what heavy alcohol consumption does to a lad. Only thing that sucks about being a geezer is not having a mane. But I lost that shit before I was 25 too, so fuck the Gods old and new.
Yea that's really not much to brag about bro. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a braggart and a humble ass mofo. Just saying, burritos provide globs of energy, so stop counting how mnay fucking almonds ye throw down your cheesepipe, shit's for wimmenz.
This has less to do with age, and more about being married with kids, and not giving a fuck anymore.
Most likely well spoken, add not having time and/or energy though so the old people don't feel too bad. 'Most likely' because I haven't tried it and stuff.

As for dieting, men don't diet, they train.
Well spoken again.
Energy output > Caloric intake
and since CALORIES is a measurement unit for ENERGY just like meters is a measurement unit for distance/length and feet is what you have on the bottom of your legs, so well spoken by me
stop counting how mnay fucking almonds ye throw down your cheesepipe, shit's for wimmenz.
Well spoken.

I like how this thread turned into the Unofficial RC Healthy Lifestyle Thread. How likely would this turn of topic have been five years ago?

I counted the shit out of my calories and it worked.