I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Sriracha is just a great go-to sauce for anything.

Try that Chili Sauce I mentioned earlier from Trader Joes ... fucking killer flavor although not so hot.
I love how Erik just starts to go on a hellbent tangent about lazy, excuse-ridden "americans" when dorian wasn't even directly referring to that demographic. He got caught up in a blind, ketone induced fury.

i didn't say that, "lazy" does not factor into it. excuses though, yeah there are plenty of those. saying "genetics" is a stupid excuse is hardly going on a tangent since someone brought up exactly that

anyway it's a fact that america is VERY FAT now compared to 1985 or whatever, and that your eating habits influence the rest of the western world a lot

so america is the best example, but believe me, we're not trailing very far behind you over here either

Uh source?


you can google this shit if you want to know, it's well documented in a million studies
You're talking about calory control nigga. Eat right and the energy in/out part pretty much takes care of itself, that's what you're saying eh? Not that it really works in some other magical lchf way and old school maths are zionist lies. Energy in/out is FACT. That's why I can use capitals and periods a lot.
no i'm saying it's definitely fact but it's irrelevant when thinking about how to eat to lose weight or be healthy

you need to take into account that the body processes fat, protein, glucose, fructose etc in ENTIRELY different ways. a calory is NOT a calory.

so yeah, your law is law, but people tend to use that law to say "you can just as well eat 5000 kcal of candy as 5000 kcal of vegetables or 5000 kcal of butter, it's literally the same thing!!!" which is a complete and total lie

EDIT: And ALSO, GI should work just as well as LCHF when it comes to the glucose intake insuline deathspikes stuff.
depends on the person, whatever works works

the most important thing for anyone who wants to be healthy is to get rid of sugar and white flour. these are things that undoubtedly are 100% detrimental to health in every way
good for him bro

then it should be real easy to understand this. it's nothing new.
you do realize that if "tons of studies" means nothing? Tons of studies could examine the efficacy of X, but it should be useless if the studies aren't properly controlled studies.
except that many medical doctors say it's a calorie in/out thing.

what are you arguing? that it is true that humans burn energy that they consume? yeah, i'm not arguing that's not the case because i know that laws of physics generally apply in nature.

but if you, or your "many medical doctors", are going to argue that there is not a difference between the process for metabolizing fat and carbohydrates, and that one is not better for weight loss than the other, then you're gonna have a problem

you do realize that if "tons of studies" means nothing? Tons of studies could examine the efficacy of X, but it should be useless if the studies aren't properly controlled studies.
of the --> rct <-- studies that have been made comparing low fat diets to low carb diets, low carb won 100% of the time where the difference was statistically significant.
I'm not arguing anything. I didn't even say anything was wrong with your posts, because it seems plausible, but something seems off. Then I axed for a source.
I'm not arguing anything. I didn't even say anything was wrong with your posts, because it seems plausible, but something seems off. Then I axed for a source.

okay cool it just looked kind of hostile but it's sometimes hard to tell on the internet


here's a cheesy swedish site where you can look for sources if you want, i don't exactly have a bunch of great resources in english off the top of my head

you can check out this thing which i think is worth seeing for everyone

seems like 1.9 million peepz think so too
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This is why it seemed fishy to me (from the Journal of Medicine in 2009):

"Conformity to cultural norms, scientific novelty, and media attention are nonbiologic reasons for the success of specific diets. We used a generic approach to developing each diet and the instructions for following it, in order to minimize such influences. No diet was considered to be a control diet, and the dietary counseling and the attention that we provided were the same for all diet groups throughout the study period. We did not confirm previous findings that low-carbohydrate or high-protein diets caused increased weight loss at 6 months3-12 and that the advantage of these diets usually eroded by 12 months, with weight loss that was nearly or fully equivalent to that with low-fat diets6,11,18 or other diets.12 Other studies showed increased weight loss at 1 to 2 years with diets that were high in unsaturated fat12,21,26 or with low-fat, high-carbohydrate vegetarian diets.22,24 These divergent results suggest that any type of diet, when taught for the purpose of weight loss with enthusiasm and persistence, can be effective. When nonnutritional influences are minimized, as they were in our study, the specific macronutrient content is of minor importance, as was suggested many years ago.39"

LINK: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa0804748#t=articleResults

Money quote bolded. Also, according to Web of Science it's been cited 214.

EDIT: I'd love to go through the literature, but I have to figure out this shit: http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00655988/ and figure out the dynamics of block copolymers wrt defect formation.
HBBQ+Amino Acids+Caffeine+ the Potential to nod to Primordial via tangible media = Me going to do some cardio.

Fuck this thread, just tell me what hot sauces are bad ass!