I need a new food product to become addicted to.

We've got all kinds of fucked up soda over here. I know I posted pictures of Cucumber Pepsi. Maybe I forgot to mention Azuki (sweet bean) Pepsi. And the other day I found some wasabi soda. Which, by the way, was completely fucking foul and I love wasabi.

Speaking of new foods and wasabi. Try putting some wasabi in your carbonara sauce. Fucking delicious.
I also tried some melon flavoured soda, and I think I recall seeing a cucumber flavoured one.

Mostly I just drank those relatively cheasp cold and sweetened coffee drinks in cans that are everywhere in vending machines. I wish we had more of those here. Pretty decent for 100 yen.
Anyone ever make their own horseradish from the actual root? When you put that root in the food processor and grind it up, holy FUCK, you nearly have to wear a gas mask/goggles
Roasted sunflower seeds rule :kickass:

found some recently straight out of Turkey ... 8 oz bag for like $1.50

last time I had them I was 13 and used to buy they by the "mug" (literally measured it in a mug and poured it one of my empty pockets) from gypsies ...
Made spaghetti alla carbonara and oven-baked salmon (w/ dill, star anise, parsley, carmelized lemon slices) for myself and this new girlfriend of mine tonight. Food really does wonders with the ladies. Why didn't I learn this trick sooner?
do you guys have an Aldi near you? first one in NYC opened some months ago.

it's like a Euro Trader Joe's but with less shit but also cheaper.

Is this like a slumming market in Europe?

If you frequent it ... what's some good stuff to get there?
nope, but i think it'd be pretty fuckin hard for some huge chain to break into the trader joe/co-op/hippie store market in northern california

they probably wont even try
well actually they are like Trader Joe's in that they have their own line of goods. however, its pretty much all non-healthy stuff which is the complete opposite of TJ's.