I need 'suicidal' black metal bands...


New Metal Member
Aug 11, 2004
...for those nights where slitting my wrists just aren't enough.

But seriously, I seem to like a lot bands in this genre, can anyone give me some more recommendations? Already listen to Shining, Weakling, Silencer, I Shalt Become, Abyssic Hate, Xasthur, Beatrik and Forgotten Tomb.
Okay, maybe these are obvious but I don't listen to much of this style:

Forgotten Woods
Draugar (or however it's spelled...i hate them)
Leviathan (obvious, I know, but I didn't see it listed in your post)
Lurker of Chalice (a side project of Wrest's)
Make A Change - Kill Yourself (side project of dude from Angantyr)

and as already mentioned, Nortt, Wigrid, and Strid. Most of these bands are Burzum-inspired but you've probably heard all that. I would also recommend some of Nargaroth's material as it's in this vein, but not all of it.
most suicidal I heard is no BM but Funeral Doom (aka Black Doom)...

so try Thergothon's Streams From The Heavens and blow your brains out ;)
Yeah, Tearstained kick ass. Malvery were pretty damn good, too. Their singer actually committed suicide, and the lyrics to their only full length they ever released basically served as his suicide note.